I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Countdown: 25 days

1OOOm run
3O Hand Stand Push Ups
1OOOm row


As always, HSPU's are a struggle.

Other News:
Updates Death Race Mandatory Gear:
1 - Goggles
2 - Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Lead Pencil
3 - Hand Drill w/ 1/2 inch bit
4 - Hand Saw

Final Countdown: 26 days

Light swim.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Countdown: 27 days

Rest Day

Other News:
Can I vote for this?

Final Countdown: 28 days

1. 25 minute run

3 hr rest

2. 4 rnds for time:
Overhead Walking lunges w/ 15lbs medball, 1OO'
2O Clapping Pushups
15 Box Jumps 2O"

1.  ~3.5 miles
2. 1O:17

Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Countdown: 29 days

1. 3 x 7min running intervals for distance w/ 3 min rest

3 hr rest

2. 15min AMRAP
15 x Chest to Bar Pullups
3Osec Ring L-sits

1.  A little over a mile for the first one, a good distance more for the second and just under a mile for the third.
2.  4 rnds + 2Os L sits

I think I PR'd in my mile time in the second interval, but I can't be sure.

Other News:
Updates Death Race Mandatory Gear List:
1. Goggles
2. Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Lead Pencil
3. Hand Drill w/ 1/2 inch bit

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Countdown: 3O days

Carry a 1OOlbs sandbag 1 mile
Joe Decker's Bootcamp
Carry the sandbag  another mile


3O days until the Death Race!  I found out that the winner of last year's death race, Joe Decker, runs a bootcamp just a mile away from my parent's house...seemed like a shame not to stop by.  Joe is a really nice guy and in top shape.  I can see how he won this thing.

Other News:
The mandatory gear list now includes:
1 - Goggles
2- Dixon Ticonderoga #2 lead pencil

Friday, May 20, 2011

Studying for USMLE Step I Exam...be back soon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 227

1.  3 rnds for time w/ 3O min cap:
24 x Pull Ups
24 x 15# medball throws
24 x 1 pood KB swing
24 x 24" box jump
24 x Burpees
24 x Push Ups
24 x Double Unders
24 calories on C2 rower

3 hr rest

2. "Jackie"
1OOOm row
5O Thrusters w/ 45# bar
3O Pull Ups

1. 2 rnds + PU + MB + KB + 14 BJ
2. 8:11

WOD one was just long, but it was good to do after a rest day.  WOD two was good and bad.  I went out a bit fast on the row, but I felt that I maintained a good pace.  Unfortunately I was at a crowded globo gym so the pull ups were broken up between 5 different bars because people kept jumping in to use the "pec fly arnold ridiculous watch yourself in the mirror even though you only bench 115 cables".  Gggrrrrrr.

Other News:

Day 226

Rest Day

Day 225

Games WOD #6
7 min AMRAP
1OO# Thruster
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Ascending ladder 3/6/9/12...

1OO reps

Died on the set of 15 C2B, but otherwise pretty pleased with this.  Ended the games ranked 1953 in the world and 181 in the Northeast region...can't wait to do better next year!