I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 14

AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) in 20 minutes of:
10 x 115lbs Push Press
10 x 1.5 pood kettlebell swing (used a 55 lbs dumbell)
10 x 24' box jump

8 rounds + 10 Push Press

Not a bad WOD.  Kettlebell swings gave me the most trouble and ultimately were what stopped me from getting to my goal of 10 rounds, I need to work on those.  I'm thinking about heading out to hike a bit of the Appalachian Trail over the long weekend (it's a Jewish holiday) as some sport-specific Death Race training, so if there's no post the next few days, that's why.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 13

90 min Tempo run

8.5 mi

Took this one really easy because yesterday was taxing and had some mileage to it.  It is amazing though how fast the time goes by and how slow you run when you throw on a "This American Life" podcast and run through Westchester in the fall.  I think tomorrow I'll substitute my running workout for a bit of swimming to give the legs a chance to recover.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 12

1.  10 rounds for time of:
15 x 135lbs Deadlifts
15 x Push-ups (nose to floor standard)

3 hour rest

2.  3x5k intervals w/ 10 minute rest.  Maintain times within a 2-3 minute zone.

1.  13min17sec
2.  22:14, 24:24, 23:59

The first workout went well.  Deadlifts were unbroken, but push-ups broke down a bit towards the end, slowing me down.  The 5k intervals were interesting because it started raining half way through the first round(turns out ipod shuffles are somewhat waterproof), but still they should have been faster.  Ideally, 7 minute miles should be a comfortable pace for me, and I'm not there yet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 11

"Death by Pull-ups"
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute...continuing as long as you are able.

13 rounds + 8 Pull-ups

I did this workout on a thick grip pull-up bar with a regular kipping pull-up.  Next time I'm getting through round 14.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 10

1. Jog a mile.
2.  "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds of:
Wall ball (8lbs, 12ft wall)
Sumo Deadlift 75lbs
Box Jump (20in.)
Push Press 75 lbs
One minute of each with one minute of rest between rounds.  Score is total number of reps (calories for row).

15 minute rest

3.  Tabata Row

FGB = 321
Tabata Row = Avg. distance 92m

I think FGB was a PR.  Last time I did it I barely got over 300 but that was with a 12lbs ball, however the target was lower.  The tabata row was brutal.  Came close to meeting pukie.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 9

65 min Time Trail Run

8.43 mi

Can't complain about this one.  I went out a little fast with my turn around being at 35 minutes running an average of 7:30 min/mile, but I didn't drop the pace to much ending the run with an avg. pace of 7:42 min/mile.  I'm about a month out from the half-marathon I'm running in Rhode Island, so this workout makes me feel somewhat prepared.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 8

Rest Day

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 7

15' rope climbs x 3/25 lunges/3 rope climbs/20 pullups/3 rope climbs/50 box jumps (20in)/3 rope climbs/25 ring dips/3 rope climbs


Had to modify todays workout due to closure of my gym.  Felt great to final use the rope I made over the summer though.

Other News:
Here's an interesting article on one physcians efforts to raise awareness of nutrition issues.  Read the full article here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


1.  "Michael"
3 rounds
800m run / 50 GHD back extensions / 50GHD situps

3 hours later

2. 1 minute ladder run: 1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on, 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off and all the way back up.

1.  41m09s
2. 2 mi

"Michael" was a kick in the pants, that's all I have to say about that.  The ladder run wasn't bad, I hit my goal of 2 miles which is a 6 min/mi pace so I'm pleased.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 5

25 min Treadmill Tempo Run @ 6% grade


Yesterday fried my system a bit so I took today as more of an active recovery day.

Other News:
Here's my recipe for a great post-workout shake:
1. Handful of Unsalted Walnuts.
2. Handful of frozen Blueberries.
3. A chunk or two of frozen Papaya.
4. Two scoops of Protein Powder.
5. A dash of Organic Cinnamon. 
6. A sprinkle of Organic Flaxseed.
7. A few Raw Cacao Nibs.
8. As much mixed greens as will fit in the rest of the Magic Bullet cup.
9. Topped off with enough low fat milk to let everything blend smooth.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 4

1. 5 rounds of 3xDeadlift then max Hand Stand Pushups.

3 hours later

2. 6x800m w/ 90 sec. rest

1. 405(PR)/9, 405(f)/8, 385/7, 385/6, 385/6
2. 3:24, 3:17, 3:15, 3:14(PR), 3:12(PR), 3:10(PR)

Two PRs!  The first workout went well, but with a little better form I think I could increase both Deadlifts and HSPUs.  Still, my old Deadlift 1RM was 405, so this is a new 3 rep PR.  Workout two was even better!  My previous 800m best was 3:15 so 3:10 isn't bad especially considering it was done on a crappy 200m track.  Still, that first round was a bit to cautious.

Other News:
NYTimes had an interesting article today about walking the entire circumference of Manhattan.  Sounds like a fun thing to do as a way to change up a Saturday's training session.  Read more about it here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 3

1.  ~hour of bouldering.
2.  ~1 mi jog.
3.  4 x 500m on a C2 rower w/ 3 min rest between sets.
4.  ~1 mi jog.

For the four sets my times were:
1. 1:33
2. 1:42
3. 1:42
4. 1:41

Bouldering was a good warm up.  My partner in crime Nate, who is also registered for the Death Race dragged me over to a boulder on Pelham Park Drv.  Not a bad spot to climb except for the carpet of broken class that surrounded the rock.  From there I jogged to NYSC (our gym is closed because it's Saturday) and did today's WOD.  Definitely went out a little fast on the first set, but managed to stay consistent through the next three and fought for an extra second at the end.

Other News:
I just found out about the first ever NYC Barefoot Run!  Unfortunately I can't attend because I have an exam that upcoming week (damn you neuroscience), but I urge you all to chuck your shoes, or strap on a pair of Vibrams and check it out.  For more info visit their website here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 2

1.  9-6-3 Couplet
165lbs. Thrusters
Muscle Ups
2.  30 minute rec. soccer practice.
3. 2x5min interval run w/ 2 min rest then 5x1min interval w/ 30s rest for max distance.

1.  DNF
2.  I think we're ready for the World Cup.
3.  Total Distance:  ~2.4 mi

F@*%!  I hate DNFinf.  The problem was simply the muscle ups.  On set one I reached failure at 8, set two at 5, and couldn't get a single one on the last set.  This will just require technique work.  Thrusters were a breeze though.  The running went well, but could have been a bit faster.  Got back to the AECOM campus half way through the 3rd 1min interval and had to hop the fence to get on the track (it's closed due to the sabbath), which slowed me down a bit.  Thanks to my roommate Joe for trudging along with me.  In other news, check out this NYTimes article on Paleo lifestyles in NYC that a friend recently sent me.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 1

- 40 minute TimeTrial run.


Just as I decided to go running a huge storm hit NYC.  It was like running through a carwash.  Due to the rain this workout went from a TT to an out-n-back, however along the way I found some water soaked logs which I clean and pressed, then did several overhead squats with, so I call today a success.