I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 45

Rest Day

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 44

1. 20 min AMRAP
10 Wallballs (15lbs)
10 unanchored situps
10 GHD back extensions

3 hr rest

2. 2 x 12m running intervals then 1x4m interval w/ 2:30 rest in between.

1.13 rnds, and 2 situps
2. .75mi/.74mi/1000m

The first workout was probably the easiest crossfit workout I've ever done.  I think it was because the wallballs were light and the situps weren't GHD as prescribed, darn globo gym!  Anyway, I did the whole thing unbroken without any more of a rest than was necessary to move from one station to the next, and I really wasn't that gassed at the end.  Workout two was more or less as expected.  .75mi is my usual 12 min distance, although I didn't quite make it all the way back on round two.  I made up for it during the 4min run though as I think I set a new 800m PR at 3:08.  It would be nice to get under 3min one day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 43


For Time:
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats


That was awesome!  I crushed my old best of over 26 minutes.  I think part of it was that the guys who run the globo gym I train at were watching.  There's no motivation like trying to explain crossfit in between gasping breathes as you knock out a hundred Pull Ups.  Looking forward to doing a bit of running tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 42

1.  20 min AMRAP
10 Squat Snatch w/ 95lbs
10 Ring Dips
20 Knees to Elbows

3 hr rest

2.  3 rnds
3 min of max distance rowing w/ 3 min rest

1. 5 rnds
2.  unknown, 880m, 900m

The first workout was mediocre.  Not great, but not terrible.  Workout two was interesting.  I pushed the wrong button after the first round don't know the distance, but I went out fast and hit the wall in the 3rd minute.  Second round I gamed it a bit and managed an 880, however I decided that for round three I'd just go all out.  I hit the wall hard around the end of minute 2, but it turns out I got another 20m in, so I guess I learned a good lesson.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 41

20 min Time Trail swim

.54 mi

I haven't swam much since my triathlon back in August and it shows.  Might be a good idea to slip back into the pool some more after the marathon.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 40

10 rnds of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

16m33s w/ 185lbs

Needs to be faster.  Everything was unbroken, which was great, but there was just to much time between exercises.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 39

21 - 15 - 9
225 Deadlift
135 Overhead Squat


I wish it could have been faster, but it felt like I was pushing it.  The overhead squats were what really held me back.  I might want to start working on those in my warm up.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 38

1. Yoga Class

2. 7 rnds
10 x 1 pood KB swings
10 x Pull Ups

3. 20s on : 10s off C2 rower for 3k

1. Relaxing
2. 8m13s
3. 27 rnds

Yoga was a nice way to start the day and stretch out after yesterday's run.  However, my workouts lacked intensity today.  I guess this is why CFE doesn't program in a lot of long runs.  I used one of those calorie calculators to see how much I was burning on yesterday's run and as it turns out I burned ~2146 kcals or the equivalent of 7 slices of apple pie.  I'm scheduled to have only one crossfit workout tomorrow, so I think I'll do it a bit later in the day and hopefully the 24+hrs of recovery will be enough to regain my usual level of intensity.

Other News:
There was a great little article in the NYTimes today on how the most expensive running shoes aren't necessarily the best.  Read the full thing here.
Also, the pictures from the Amica Half Marathon were finally posted.  Looks like I need to focus on my Pose Running technique a bit.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 37

Run 13.1 mi


I tried to run this as though it was the first half of the marathon and keep to a 9 min/mi pace, which I managed to do surprisingly well without mile markers.  To be honest, if when I got back someone would have told me to go back out and run my 13.1 mile loop again I wouldn't have been to happy about it, but I think I could have done it without much of a problem.  The pace did feel a little slow though, and I want to give myself a little bit more of a buffer to achieve my goal of a sub 4 hour marathon, so I think come race day I might stick to a 8:45 pace instead.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 36

5 rnds:
90 ft. Bear Crawl
90 ft. Broad Jump (3 burpees after every 5 jumps)


I've decided I like bear crawls.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 35

 7 x 1 Heavy Clean + Thruster

135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 235(f), 225

I had no idea what my max thruster would be.  Turns out it's just about 225.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 34

1. 10 rnds of
7 pistols / 7 CTB pullups / 7 front squats (135) / 7 HSPU

3 hr rest

2. 200m run + 400m + 600m run with 1:1 rest in between
-with a backpack with 20lbs of rocks in it

1. 9 rnds in 38:04
2. Good

I tried to squeeze in the first workout during my lunchbreak and told myself that in order to not be late to class I would finish whatever round I was on at the hour mark.  That happened to be rnd 9.  The rate limiting factor in this workout was far and away the hand stand pushups.  I would get through everything else in about a minute thirty then spend 2 minutes on the hand stand pushups.  Those things take me forever.  The second workout didn't really have a measurable result. but it felt great.  First time I've run with a pack and it takes some getting used to, but my legs are telling me I've put in some good Death Race training today.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 33

5k Time Trail


I suppose I was channeling some of my frustration with yesterdays results into todays workout because I crushed my previous 5k record of over 22 minutes.  Hooray for PRs!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 31, 32

AMICA Half Marathon


Ugh, so you know you're not a discus thrower anymore when you can't eat a bunch of cinnamon rolls that are part of the free continental breakfast at your hotel and then perform optimally.  Learned my lesson the hard way.  Still, it was a good experience and definitely has helped me prepare for the NYC marathon on Nov. 7th.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 30

3 rnds
15 Hang Cleans @ 135lbs
15 Burpees


Notes:  I did this workout at 6:30 am.  It woke me up like no cup of coffee I've ever had.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 29

25 min swim

.6 miles

Today was a nice and easy recovery day swim.  Did the MWOD and spent awhile on the foam roller.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 28

1.  50 Wallballs (15lbs/12ft)
10 Muscle Ups
40 Wallballs
8 Muscle Ups
30 Wallballs
6 Muscle Ups
20 Wallballs
4 Muscle Ups
10 Wallballs
2 Muscle Ups

3 hr. rest

2. 2 x 12 min running intervals w/ 2 minutes rest

1. DNF
2. 1.75 mi on both

Ugh!  I think I might be a bit beat down from the 60 min TT and the Tabata This.  Muscle ups are always tough for me, but I shouldn't have struggled with them as much as I did.  The running wasn't terrible with a sub 7 min/mi pace, but not my best.  I think I'll take the next couple of days a bit easier to be fresh for the half marathon on Sunday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 27

7 x 1 Snatch Balance

95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195(f), 185

Since I've never done these before, this was a PR.  Cool.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 26

"Tabata This!"
Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".

Row : 9
Squat : 15
Pullup : 5
Pushup : 7
Situp : 11

Wow, that was a lot of tabata!  I think I could have done a lot better, but I had a tendency to overestimated how much a could do.  The row went well.  Squats were just sad as I performed 17 up until the very last round when my legs just gave out and refused to move.  Pullups and Pushups were just ridiculous.  I started with 10 pullups and 12 pushups but slowly lost ground throughout the entire tabata.  Situps were consistent as I think their limiting factor was simply the time it takes to perform a  rep.  I do situps unanchored so they only go so fast.

Paleo Score:
3...I know, I've seen better days.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 25

60 min Time Trail Run

8.25 mi

7:27 avg pace isn't bad.  A few weeks ago I had a 65 min TT where my pace was above 7:40 so I guess I'm improving.  Must be the last three days of strict paleo.

Other News:
I attended Shane Hobel's Mt Scout Survival class today with a couple of other AECOM students.  Shane is a spitting image of Bear Grylls but without the thick accent and he doesn't drink his own urine.  I learned a bunch of useful skills like how to make rope out of grass, start fires, build shelters and hunt rabbits.  I hope none of this stuff actually comes up in the Death Race (or even worse, in the NYC marathon), but it's nice to know.

Paleo Score:
0 (on a roll)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 24

1.  20 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible), 200m run w/ 30s rest
2. 10 min of Handstand work

1. 17 rnds
2.  Getting there

The running workout was frustrating because of the constant starting and stopping, but I think it went pretty well.  I was lucky enough to have my roommate Joe and his girlfriend Melissa come do the workout with me.  Joe is training for the Tough Mudder on Nov. 20th and based on today's workout I think he's gonna smoke it.  I need to work on my handstand, but it's coming along.

Paleo Score:
0 :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 23

7 x 1 Front Squat
Mobility WOD

225, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315(f), 315

I couldn't end my workout on a failure, so I had to give it another go.  Felt great to get it.  I do all my squats with full range of motion with butt to calves technique.

Paleo Score:
I'm adding a new section to the daily entry.  The NYC marathon is in 30 days and I'm hoping to shed just a couple pounds before then.  I currently maintain a paleo diet, but cheat a bit more than I should so I'm hoping to tighten that up a bit.  Every day I'm going to give myself a score for how I've done paleo wise.  I get one point for every 100 calories of unpaleo food I eat per day.  The goal is to have less than 10 points per week.  Today I weighed in at 215 (not bad for being 6'4") so we'll see where I am on Nov 7th.  Today's score = 0 (of course, it's day 1)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 22

1.  40 sec on 20 sec off x 5 run.

3 hr rest

2.  21 -15-9
Left arm 55 lbs DB snatch
Right arm 55 lbs DB snatch
Pullups on thick grip bar

1.  10% grade for all 5.  Speed(mph) = 10,10, 9.5, 9, 8.5
2.  7m30s

1.  I started seeing stars about half way through and had to slow it down a bit for fear of being thrown off the treadmill.  Still, it kicked my butt.
2.  This went pretty well.  DB snatch was unbroken.  Pullups were done in two sets using a butterfly/kipping combo.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 21

Easy recovery swim and Mobility WOD


It was nice.  Back to the grindstone tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 20

10 x 2 Bench Press w/ 60 sec in between sets

275, 275, 275, 275, 275(f), 245, 245, 245, 245, 245

It was nice to have a relatively easy day and let the legs recover a bit.  The workout went well considering I felt like I haven't bench pressed since my days as a discus thrower.  Decided to start trying out Kelly Starret's Mobility WOD before my workouts.  I figured a little more mobility can't hurt, and if nothing else it forces me to warm up a bit more.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 19

1. For time:
95 pound Back squat, 50 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 5 ascents
115 pound Back squat, 40 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 4 ascents
135 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents
155 pound Back squat, 20 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 2 ascents
175 pound Back squat, 10 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent

3 hours rest

2. 4 x 5 min running intervals w/ 3 minutes rest

1.  24m30s
2.  .75 mi on each interval

Notes:  The first workout was a beast.  My rope might have been a tad short as it is 18 feet long and there was about 4 feet of it on the floor, but I think that I made up for that by not having a squat rack to use and having to clean and press the bar every time I went to squat.  Needless to say my legs were feeling it for the intervals.  I did these on a treadmill which helped keep a constant pace, but didn't let me push the last 30 seconds as I would normally do.

Other News:
I signed up to run the NYC Marathon today as part of Team TSA (Tourette Syndrome Association)!  I'll post a link to accept donations soon.  Can't wait!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 18

Run 1 mile
Row 2k
Run 1 mile


I did the run on a treadmill which made me push it a bit but it didn't feel as natural.  The transitions between the C2 and the treadmill were a bit slow, but other than that I think it went well.  Last time I did "Jerry" my time was 24:36, so hooray for PRs!

Other News:
I finally got the pictures up from my AT hike which you can find here.  I also shot a bit of video, enjoy.

The Wind

The Rain

The Fire

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 15, 16, 17

Workout:  I decided to skip a few days of Crossfit and instead went on a little hike on the Appalachian Trail.  I started at 10 pm on Thursday night and the rest pretty much went like this. (Pictures coming soon)

10:16 pm Arrive @ Peakskill Train station, it’s raining lightly.

10:17 pm Ask a taxi driver where Water Street is, it’s still raining.

10:35 pm Realize that the taxi driver sent me in the entirely wrong direction, and it’s raining even more.

10:45 pm Actually start off in the right direction.  At this point you can just assume it’s raining.

11:00 pm Realize that most of the 5 miles to the Appalachian Trail is along a two lane freeway with no shoulder.

11:45 pm A black Lexus SUV slows down on the road next to me and asks how far I’m going.  I’ve never hitchhiked before but considering their was a car seat in the back and the car was obviously used to cart a couple of kids around I decided to trust him.  Besides, it couldn’t be more dangerous than walking alone on the side of a freeway at midnight while it’s raining.  The man driving the car is named Fitzroy.  Fitzroy is from Jamaica.  Fitzroy is awesome.  Turns out he was driving in the opposite direction to get gas for his generator because a big storm was coming (I didn’t pick up on the significance of this at the time) and saw me walking on the side of the road.  When he saw me for a second time he decided to help.  Thanks to him the last mile of that hike took about a minute.  Thanks Fitzroy!

11:55 pm Start hiking the AT heading south from the US 9 entrance.

12:30 am It starts raining harder.

3:30 am Reach the Bear Mt. Bridge.  The wind on the bridge is so strong I can’t walk in a straight line, and have to be careful not to get blown off the side.

4:00 am Realize I’m lost on the opposite of the bridge, biblical torrential downpour starts.

5:00 am Finally find the AT again.

5:15 am  The AT leads me around a corner, and to my surprise there’s an overhang with several vending machines under it.  I enjoy the safety of the overhang for a few minutes before moving on.

5:25 am  The AT mysteriously ends abruptly.  I see a sign to the “Hudson River Crossing” and figure that might be where the AT continues.

5:45 am The Hudson is overflowing into the parking lot, the rain is so thick the beam from my headlamp stops about two feet in front of me, and this is definitely not the AT.

6:00 am Return to the last AT marker I saw.  For the life of me I can’t find the next marker and so I decided to seek refuge next to the oddly out of place vending machines.

7:30 am After “sleeping” on the concrete for a while the sun has come up and the rain has eased to a normal drizzle so I venture back out.

7:35 am  Find that the missing trail marker is behind a locked fenced for the “Trail Side Zoo”.  I hop the fence.  The Zookeeper gives me a weird look but says nothing.

8:30 am Torrential downpour starts again.

9:30 am Begin to freeze my ass off.

11:00 am Rain starts to let up.  Instead of feeling like being in a carwash there’s only sporadic rain every 15 minutes.

3:00 pm Encounter a wooden lean-to shelter.  I’ve run out of most of my food except for two lbs of raw chicken and some uncooked yams.  I decide to build a fire to cook these before moving on.

3:15 pm Starting a fire seems to be impossible.  Everything is wet.  I scrounge some drier wood from under some large boulders and inside the shelter but everything in my pack is moist, toilet paper included.  I grab some gauze from my med kit which is sealed but it burns to quick to catch the wet twigs on fire.  I have two lighters and I break open one to try to start the fire.  Gas starts screaming out and the lighter explodes, but no fire.  I find a metal wire from the shelter and fish a battery from my pack and try to start a fire that way, no go.  Desperately wanting to cook lunch I search every inch of the shelter.  I find an old birds nest covered in cobwebs in the corner, but it doesn’t help.  If the nest is too dense it doesn’t burn, but if it’s to loose it burns to quick to catch the twigs.  Under one of the floorboards I find an old bubble wrap mail package.  It doesn’t burn great, but it does drip flaming drops of plastic onto my collection of twigs, damp paper and bird’s nest.  After what seems like forever I slowly build the fire up until I can cook with it.  Chicken never tasted so good.

5:00 pm After drying my socks and shoes and wrapping up the rest of lunch for later I set off again.  The rain has finally stopped.

5:05 pm The trail leads right through a huge puddle.  There’s no way around it.  My feet are wet again.

8:00 pm Finally reach the next shelter up the trail.  I was hoping to get to the city of Monroe where I could take a bus back to the city sometime that night.  After running into a group of 3 middle aged hikers from the Bronx who have a map and guidebook I find out that Monroe is another 2 days walk from where I am.  I think my appearance troubles them a bit as they have large packs with lots of food and supplies (which are set up in an elaborate camp site) where as I have a very small pack and am walking around in wet running shoes.  I then have the following amazing conversation with one of the guys:

Bronx guy: “You have any food with you?”
Me: “Yeah, I have some food.”
Bronx guy: “Have any Snickers?”
Me: “No”
Bronx guy: “Here” (Throws me a Snickers bar)

I know they’re not paleo, but I think even Grog the caveman would have eaten a Snickers bar at that point.  I decide to camp the night here.

6:00 am Wake up.  Pack up my stuff and eat the rest of my food.  Seeing that I’m eating cold chicken and my last burnt yam wrapped in tin foil while their feasting on hot coffee, trail mix and oatmeal the three hikers offer me food.  I refuse.  One of them forces another Snickers bar on me.  Really, who can resist Snickers. 

8:00 am I thank the trio for their hospitality and set off down the trail.  It’s 5 miles to the Sapphire Trail which should lead me another 3 miles to a train station.

11:00 am Arrive at Harriman Station.

1:00 pm Arrive in Manhattan and  buy a falafel from the first street vendor I see.  

Distance hiked on the AT: 25mi
Other hiking: 5mi to trail + 3mi on Sapphire + ~5mi of looking for the trail
Total: 38mi

Notes:  All in all it was a great trip.