I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 224

1.  "King Kong" (ever so slightly modified]
3 rnds for time:
1 x 445 Deadlift
2 x Muscle Ups
3 x 25O Squat Clean
4 x Handstand Pushups

3 hr rest

2. 1O x 2OOm intervals w/ 2:3O rest

1. 6:36
2. Each interval took ~34ish seconds

Gggggrrrrrr!  I meant to do King Kong as prescribed but I miscalculated what was on the bar and short changed myself 1 pounds....oh well...guess I'll have to do it again sometime.  Really fun WOD though.  2OOm intervals, not so fun but probably better for me.

Other News:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 223

1 mile Hill Time Trail


Ran from the bottom of Penasquitos Canyon up the "Side Hill" trail.  I think it was a bit under a mile but it still got my lungs burning.

Other News:
"Reverse Roll to Support"...ugly, but getting there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 222

1.  4 x 5min intervals w/ 3 min rest between

3 hr rest

2.  4 rnds for time:
6 x Wallclimbs
12 x Ring Dips
24 x Double Unders
32 x Squats

1. N/A
2. 18:41

I forgot my watch at home so the intervals turned into "run as fast as you can from on lifeguard tower to another.  I'm guessing it took about 4 minutes.  I rested until recovered.  I really liked the second WOD though.  Wallclimbs kick my ass...but I'm happy with the time.

Other News:
That face has Ring Dips written all over it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 221

1. 7 burpees on the minute every minute, then max reps thrusters with 95lbs until you reach 75 reps

3 hr rest

2. Tabata Something Else
Tabata cycle with each of the following exercises, w/o rest in between

1.  DNF, then scaled to 5 reps and 5 burpees.
2. PU=5, PU=6, S=11, SU=1O

I'd like to see somebody actually finish the first WOD.  I got to about 28 reps after 7 minutes and then it took me the entire minute to finish the seven burpees...still, I hate DNFing.  Second WOD was better but not great.  PullUps were chest to bar.

Day 22O

Carry your body weight in rocks from the beach up the cliff at Del Mar's 8th street beach.

~1O minutes...it was a lot easier than I expected.

Day 219

Games WOD #5

2O min AMRAP
5 x 145# Power Cleans
1O x Toes to Bar
15 x Wallballs (2Olbs, 1Oft.]

9rnds + 5 PC + 1O T2B

Not bad.  The limiting factor by far was the T2B.

Day 218

1.  Rock Wall Work

3 hr rest

2 rnds:
1 minute AMRAP at each station, with 1 min rest between rounds
-12" box jumps
-Supine Ring Rows
-Jump and touch (~1Oft]
-Up and over a play structure

1.  N/A
2. N/A

Today was a fun and light day.  Resting up for tomorrow's game WOD.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 217

1.  "Wittman" (modified]
7 rnds for time:
15 x 95# Power Clean
15 x 1pood Kettlebell Swing
15 x 24" Box Jump

3 hr rest

2. 3 x (2OOm + 4OOm + 6OOm] run
-Rest for exactly how long it took to do the last interval

1. 21:19
2. 2OO~3Os, 4OO~1:15, 6OO~2:OO

I only had a 1 pood KB so I used that.  Still, last time I did this WOD it took 28:3O.  I don't think the lighter KB accounted for all 7 minutes.  The running wasn't bad.  The distance was estimated so the results aren't so reliable but my times stay relatively consistent across all three cycles.

Day 216

2O min Time Trial Run

4,5OO m

Not bad...was shooting for a 5k, but I knew that was a bit of a long shot for me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 215

2 rnds for time:
Run 1OOm
5O Push Ups
Run 1OOm
5O Situps
Run 1OOm
5O Squats

Forgot to stop the clock

Did this at home with the brothers so it wasn't the most serious WOD ever.

Day 214

Rest Day

Day 213

Games WOD #4
6O x Bar Facing Burpees
3O x #12O Overhead Squats
1O x Muscle Ups

6O+3O+4 Muscle Ups

Missed my fifth MU...grrrr.

Day 212

Rest Day

Friday, April 15, 2011


5 rnds
Max Bodyweight (225#) Benchpress
Max Pull Ups

9/23 , 9/19. 8/15, 8/20, 7/21

Half way through John told me to rearrange my grip and keep my knuckles "pointing up", that helped a lot...thanks John.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


1.  Squat

3 hr rest

2. For time:
~400m walking lunges

1.  5x135, 5x185. 5x225, 5x255, 5x285, 5x315, 5x325
2. 10:19

Squats were okay...still bending a bit foreword at the bottom but correcting it pretty quick.  Walking lunge was approximated so it's likely a good amount under 400m...much less aerobic than I thought it would be.

Other News:
Got bored of studying today and tried a one arm against the wall handstand...
Going Up

Going Up


Inevitable End

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 209

For time and weight:
5 rnds
1 x Bench Press
3 x Supine Ring Rows
2 x Bench
5 x Row
3 x Bench
7 x Row

1.  11:15, used 245 for the first round, 225 for the rest.

Not bad, not great.

Other News:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 208

1.  Push Press x2, on the minute every minute for 10 minutes

3 hr rest

2.  For max distance:
3 rnds
1 minute to do 20 Squats
1 minute max row
1 minutes to do 15 Push Ups
1 minute max row
1 minute to do 10 Burpees
1 minute max row

1. 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 225 (f), 225, 225, 225 (half fail)
2. 2,803m

I really need to work on my push press.  I'm clearly not sinking under the bar enough and I'm spending way to much energy getting the last few inches on the lock out.  Second WOD went well, starting to feel better about burpees although that might change after Game WOD #4.

Other News:
Missed the last one...I'm hoping I can make it to the Second Annual NYC Barefoot Run!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 207

1. For time:
10-1, 225# Deadlift
1-10, Pull Ups

3 hr rest

2. "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds
Max reps for 1 minute on each of the following:
Wallballs (15lbs, 12ft)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#)
Box Jump (24")
Push Press (75#)
Row (for calories)
1 minute rest between rounds

1. 8:01
2. 329

Two solid WODs for today.  The first one went faster than I thought, which is always nice.  This is a good sized PR for me on FGB...maybe hit 400 one day?

Walking across Park Ave. with a loaded barbell

Day 206

Games WOD #3
5 min AMRAP
165# Squat Clean and Jerk


Felt good about this.  Would have been nice to get to thirty though.  Nevertheless it moved me up in the rankings a good amount.  I finished week three at #158 in the Northeast region and 1,628 in the world.  Thanks Eric for pushing me through the final reps and for the whole Crossfit Metropolis crew who hauled half the gym to central park.

Day 205

Rest Day

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 204

12min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
12 Pistols
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls w/ a 85lbs bag of rocks


I'm pleased with this.  Felt great to actually use MUs in a metcon and not have them be a huge limiting factor.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 203

1. Bench

3 hr rest

2. For time:
150 Push Ups
-Every time you stop run 40 yards

1. 3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 3x245, 3x265, 3x275
2. 15:18

Haven't benched in a long time, I figured it would be fun...it was.  When I saw the pushup WOD on crossfit football it seemed like a good follow up.

Day 202

1.  "Michael"
3 rnds for time:
800m run
50x Situps
50x GHD back Extensions

3 hr rest

10 x 135# Overhead Squat
20 x Double Unders
8 x OHS
30 x DU
6 x OHS
40 x DU
4 x OHS
50 x DU
2 x OHS
60 x DU

1. 31:09
2. 8:26

Did the situps on an incline...still this WOD was a grind.  I think my morning lifting is getting worse...just can't seem to really wake up.  Anyway, the afternoon WOD wasn't bad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 201

Front Squats

5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x275, 3x295

Today was an active rest day.

Other News:
Does somebody want to lend me 1,000 dollars and a weekend off so I can do this?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 200

1. "Diane"
For time:
225# Deadlifts
Hand Stand Push Ups

3 hr rest

2. For time and load:
5 rnds of
5 x Back Squat
400m run

1. 23:58
2. 16:09 w/ 315#

Handstand Push Ups are still a major goat for me...ugh.  Luckily I had time in the day to do a second WOD.  Sets of 5 with 315 always make me feel good.

Other News:
I don't care how bad your range of motion is, 600 reps on the second games WOD is beastly...still, this is some interesting math.  

Day 199


MMA Wrestling

Win some, lose some

Other News:
Apple Clafouti...not paleo, but oh so close.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 198

Games WOD #2
15min AMRAP
9 x #155 Deadlifts
12 x Games Style Push Ups
15 x 24" Box Jumps

9rnds + 9DL + 12 PU + 1 BJ

Not quite the ten rounds I wanted, but much better than last time.  Hoping that the next Games WOD involves something heavy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 197

30 Muscle Ups for time


I still really suck at this.  Just can't figure out how to maintain a false grip for more than a couple MUs.  Also, am I suppose to bleed every time I do these?