I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 16O

1.  2 rnds for time:
55# KB swing
Double Unders

3 hr rest

2. Interval Run for distance:
5 min on - 2:3O off - 6 min on - 3 min off - 7 min on

1.  23m56s
2. ~2.5 mi

Notes:  I liked the first WOD.  Limiting factor was the burpees and my anterior delts...I'm going to have to spend some time with the lacrosse ball tonight.  The run was alright, but not great.  I need to get back into running and now that the ground isn't completely covered in ice I figured it's a good time.  Also, I did Cindy sometime over the last couple of days, but don't remember when exactly.  Got 17 rnds.

Other News:
Should Children Run Marathons?
It makes me sad to see an article like this in the New York Times asking the question of whether or not kids should run.  In a country where the number one cause of death is heart disease and the majority of teenagers have the beginnings of atherosclerosis how can you be concerned with the handfull of kids who fall down and scrape there knee?  Scuffed up elbows don't hurt nearly as much as heart attacks.  Click on the picture below to read the full article:
Should kids children marathons?

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