I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 103

1. Surf Session
2. 7 rnds for time:
3 x 185# front squat
7 x L-pullups

1.  Cold...very, very cold.
2. 6m48s

The WOD went pretty well.  Best time posted online was 6:30ish, so I'm pleased.  Granted my L-pullups are pretty weak and a good many of them were probably did not meet game standards.  Still, it was fast, likely because Rebecca was timing me.  Starting my Death Race Simulator tonight!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 102

1. "DT"
5 rnds for time:
12 x 155# Deadlift
9 x 155# Hang Clean
6 x 155# Push Press

2. Tabata Row

1. 12m12s
2. Avg. 101m per round

"DT" was a little slower than it should have been.  I blame it on the fact that I didn't have bumper plates. The tabata was good though, in the past I've averaged low 90s, so this is an improvement.

Day 101

4 rnds for time:
20m walking lunge
10 x ~36' box jump
20 x Pushups
20m walking lunge
30 Situps


Day 100

Day 100!  Rest Day.

Day 99

Travel/Rest Day

Day 98

75 x 75# Snatch


Did this workout at CFNYC and was pretty happy with the results.  Last time I did this it took over 7 minutes so sub 5 ain't bad.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 97

1. "Nate"
20 min AMRAP
2 x Muscle Ups
4 x Hand Stand Pushups
8 x 70# KB swing

3 hr rest

2. 5 rnds
60 sec to complete 30 KB swings then 60 sec rest

1. 8 rnds + 1 Muscle Up
2.  45 lbs

Tried the second workout with the prescribed #70.  The minute timer went off and I had only completed 24, even though they were unbroken so I had to move it down to 45...boo.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 96

Rest Day

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 95

1.  20 min AMRAP
10 x 95# Thruster
10 x Pullups

2.  5x3 Front Squats

1. 10 rnds
2. 225/235/245/255/265

Intensity was low.  I feel a rest day coming.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 94

1. 15 min Tire PT warmup
2. 10x100m intervals w/ 15 sec rest
3. 5 rnds: 10 situps/10 leg levers/10 4 count flutter kicks

3 hr rest

4. 3 games of racetball
5.  For time:
18" box jumps
85# Push press
6.  Squats: 8x225, 8x245, 6x275, 6x275

#5 = 8m20s

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 93

1.  1000m row, 50 wallballs, 50 Doubleunders
2.  Find 1RM for Shoulder Press
3.  15x85%, 10 15' rope climbs, row 2k

3 hr. rest

4. "Sevens"
7 rnds for time:
7 x Handstand Pushups
7 x 135# Thruster
7 x Knees to Elbows
7 x 245# Deadlifts
7 x Burpees
7 x 70# Dumbell swing
7 x Pullups

1. N/A
2. 185#
3. N/A
4. 47m29s

It was still a lot slower than I'd like, but I have to be happy about the fact that this is more than a 10 minute PR over my last attempt at "Sevens" last spring.  Everything was unbroken except for HSPUs, but after round 4 I had to start taking more time than I would have liked between exercises.  Sub 40 next time.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 92

1. 3 rnds for time:
10 x Weighted Pullups 45#
15 x GHD Situps
15 x GHD Back Extensions

2. Max Unanchored Situps in 2 minutes

1. 9m50s
2. 54

I'm pleased with this.

Day 91

1x5 Shoulder Press
3x5 Push Press
5x5 Push Jerk

185# Shoulder Press
210# Push Press
200# Push Jerk

My Jerk is pretty sloppy so I kept the weight low and worked on technique.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 90

Rest Day

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 89

7 rnds for time:
10 Pullups
5 Pushpress 95#
5 Overhead Squats 95#
10 24" Box Jumps


Ugh...I think tomorrow will be a recovery day.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 88

"Whitten" modified
5 rnds for time:
22 Dumbell swings 70#
22 Box Jumps 24"
One lap around the indoor track (~200m total)
22 Burpees
22 Wallballs (15# ball, 12')


I was expecting this to take at least an hour considering Mikko Salo's time was 30 minutes (granted he ran 500m) so I was rather pleased.  With that said, I hope this doesn't pop up on the main site again anytime soon.

Day 87

5 rnds
Max Bench Press @ Bodyweight
Max Pullups

Bench (with 215#): 14,10,10,8,7
Pullups : 17,15,14,12,10

I did this workout at Crossfit NYC and although I wasn't so pleased with my performance, it was a blast.  The pullups were atrocious.  I know I've done more before, but I was working on my kipping technique which apparently needs some work according to the instructors at Crossfit NYC.  Also, I thought my bench would have been a strength for me after 10 years of throwing.  Turns out my days of benching 360 are long behind me.  I'm okay with that though, I'd much rather have a sub 4 Fran.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 86

"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box Jumps 24"
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Kettlebell swings 35#
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knee to Elbows
50 Push Press 45#
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls (15#, 12ft)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders


Ugh...I was hoping this would be faster.  I really should have been sub 30.  Back extensions still destroy me and that slows down the last three exercises significantly.  Still, it was a hell of a lot better than the Sealfit version I did last week.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 85

3 rnds for total reps:
Max med ball situps 60sec
Max Pushups 60sec
Max Strict Pullups 60sec
4 x 20 Fastfeet w/ 25m shuttle run

60 sec rest between rounds

Rnd 1 = 58
Rnd 2 = 60
Rnd 3 = 54

Not a bad crossfitfootball WOD.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 84

1.  5 rnds for time:
7 Deadlifts w/ 225
21 Double unders


10x2 squats w/ 225.  45s rest between

2.  Weighted Pullups 3x40,45,50,55,60
then DB press singles: 55, 65,75,80,90(f)
then Repeat the first workout

3.  Max Pushups (hand release style) in 2 minutes

1. 4m11s
2. 3m39s
3. 54

I liked the workout this morning, but felt that I could have gone faster, so I did it again.  Much better.

Day 83

Rest Day

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 82

4 rnds for time:
225# Clean Pull
10 Strict Pullups
15 GHD Extensions
20 Double-unders


Last week was my attempt at following the Sealfit WODS and it went alright.  It would have gone a hell of a lot better if I had 4-5 hours a day to train, but occasionally I have to go to class.  Might be a good way to add some volume to a Saturday of training, but its not sustainable.  Anyway, this week I'm trying out Crossfitfootball.  It's strength biased which is not ideal for the Death Race, but I figured it would be fun for a week.  I call day one a success.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 81

21-15-9 for time;
225# Deadlift
Handstand Pushups


Deadlifts were unbroken and took a grand total of maybe two minutes.  Still not so great at HSPUs, but getting better considering that last time I did this workout I DNFed.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 80

2 mile run / 4 x 400 interval w/ 90s rest / 2 mile run

1:11 / 1:21 / 1:19 / 1:20

I hope what they say about the tortoise and the hare is true, because I'm sure as hell not the hare.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 79

1.  Chipper for time:
20 Turkish Getups w/ barbell / 50 x 35lbs 1 arm snatch / 20 x 24" 1 leg box jumps

3 hr rest

2.  3 rnds for time:
5 muscle ups / 20 Double Unders / 20 Pistols / 10 Handstand hand lifts

1. 9m34s
2. 12m36s

Today's morning workout just wasn't satiating so I decided to do the mainsite WOD.  It went great.  I finally got my false grip down on the muscle ups and am starting to link, at least a couple.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 78

Rest Day

Day 77

5 rnds for time:
10 x Snatch (95#)
10 x Thruster (95#)
10 x Burpee

