I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 70

For time:
1000m row
50 thrusters w/ 45lbs
30 Pullups


Not a bad workout.  As usual afterwards I felt it could have been faster.  The C2 rower and the thrusters/pullups were in different rooms so that ate some time.  The row took 3:25, thruster were broken into 3 sets and pullups into 4.

Other News:
Here's a really interesting article on strength training for youth...seems that I need to drag Alex along to even more crossfit sessions. Read the whole thing here.

1 comment:

  1. I almost sent you this article yesterday - weird! I guess Alex will need to eat more if he wants to bulk up a little though. Great Mudder pix!
