I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 138

1. For time:
50 x 20" box jump
5 x rope climb (12')
50 x 55# KB swings
50 x Sit Ups
50 x 40lbs DB Power Cleans
800m run
50 x GHD Extensions

3hr rest

2.  For time:
Run 28 flights of stairs and back.
For time:
Run 28 flights of stairs and back w a 75 lbs duffel bag of rocks

3 hr rest

3.  7x1 Shoulder Press
Double Unders

1. 17m19s
2. w/o bag 4m14s, w/ bag 6m58s
3. Shoulder Press - 195, "Annie" - 7:31

Notes:  Long day of good WODs.  The first one was a bit of a grinder but solid.  WOD #2 was great!  I crushed my times from a few days ago.  Part of it was an improvement of technique, especially with the bag, but I think the rest was due to good competition.  I ran the stairs with Nate, my Death Race partner in arms.  WOD #3 was at Crossfit Metropolis.  The shoulder press was a great PR and the 205 attempts were painfully close...next time.  "Annie" was not a PR, but previous times I've done this WOD were with anchored situps that make a huge difference.

Other News:
Bigger Breakfast, Bigger Daily Calorie Count

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 137

With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy" (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)
then as many 275# Deadlifts as possible
2min rest
With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy"
then as many Double Unders as possible

3 hrs rest

2. 6 rnds of 3 min AMRAP with 1 min rest between
3 x 155# Power Clean
6 x Push Ups
9 x Ring Dips (rnds 1,3,5) or Squats (rnds 2,4,6)

1.  24 DL, 27 DU
Rnds 1,3,5:
- 3 + 1 PC
- 2 + 3 PC
- 1 + 3 RD

Rnds 2,4,6:
- 4
- 3 + 6 PU
- 3 + 3 PC

Two great workouts today!  I was really pleased with the first one.  The second round of Cindy wiped me out and I lost a chunk of time trying to find a place to do DUs afterwards, so I didn't get the 50 I was aiming for, but still I was pleased.  WOD 2 was shoulder heavy...my lacrosse ball will come in handy tonight.

Other News:

Day 136

1. For time:
Run the stairs in my building to the top and back (28 flrs)

2. For time:
Run the stairs in my building to the top and back with a 75lbs duffel bag full of rocks (28 flrs still)

1. 5m4s
2. 9m17s

I think I could get under 5 w/o the bag and under 9 with.  I plan on doing this one again on Monday.

Day 135

Active Recovery Day
-Stationary Bike work w/ full stretch routine and foam rolling

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 134

1.  6 min AMRAP
6 x Toes to Bar
6 x Burpee

3 hr rest

2.  "Mary"
20 min AMRAP
5 x Handstand Push Ups
10 x Pistols
15 x Pull Ups

1.  6 rnds + 6 Toes to Bar + 4 Burpees
2. 9 rnds + 5 HSPU + 10 P + 3 PU

I liked both of these work outs.  The first one went a bit slow due to the fact that I had to do the T2B hanging from the support structure of the basketball hoop.  The second WOD was perhaps one of my favorites.  I'm a bit beat down from the multiple WODs over the last couple of days so my intensity isn't as high as it could be so I think tomorrow will be a single WOD day.

Other News:
Even though it's not directly mentioned in the article, I blame this on the rise of Crossfit.
Full Service Gyms Feel a Bit Flabby

Day 133

1.  Death by Power Clean w/ 185#


2.  2k row

3hr rest

3.  For time:
Overhead Squat 115#
Chest to Bar Pullups

1. 7rnds + 4 Cleans
2. 7m5s

Not a bad day.  Death by Power Clean was a tad heavy (thanks to John for picking the weight), but still smoked me.  The row wasn't bad, but I think next time I should be able to get under 7 no problem.  The last WOD went well.  I was a bit intimidated by the C2B pullups as last time I did them it destroyed me, but I think I can officially check those off my goat list.

Other News:
I figured some off my fans (no one in particular) would enjoy this article:

Mystery Article

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 132

3 rnds for time:
12 x Muscle Ups
75 x Squats


It became very clear, very quickly that this WOD was really just a MU skill day for me.  I'm okay with that, I could use an easy day.  Looking forward to a good multiWOD day tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 131

3 rnds
800m run
2 min rest


In under 4 minutes:
500m row
20 Deadhang pullups

1.  3:30ish for all of them
2. Finished

The run was done on a treadmill at 1% incline.  Not my fastest run...I should get back to doing some crossfit endurance workouts.  I finished the second part though, which was one of the old crossfit challenges.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 130

1.  3 rnds for time:
10 x Deadlift 275#
50 x Double Unders

3 hr rest

2. For time:
100 Double Unders
100 Push Ups
100 V-ups
100 Box Jumps 24"
100 Dumbell Swings (55#)
1000m Row

1. 4m59s
2. 38m14s

I felt pretty good about the first WOD.  Definitely pushed the intensity level.  Missed a couple more DUs than I would have liked, but that's just the way it is.  The second workout was just a grinder.

Day 129

5 rnds for time:
8 Handstand Push Ups
12 Thrusters 115#
6 L Pull Ups


I did this workout at Crossfit Metropolis which is a great little box hidden on the upper east side.  Trying to make a good impression on my first visit there I flew through the first 2 rounds only to crash and burn on the handstand pushups starting in round 3.  I'm still proud of the result, but the top of my head is a bit sore from all the failed handstand pushups.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 128

21 L Pullups
20 Pistols
18 L Pullups
16 Pistols
15 L Pullups
12 Pistols
12 L Pullups
8 Pistols


Pistols were a breeze, L Pullups could use some work.

Day 127

5 rnds for time:
20 GHD situps
5 Pushpress 185#

3 rnds in 10 minutes

Today was suppose to be a rest day but my roommate Joe wanted to go to the gym so I pulled up an older crossfit workout I had missed and put a 10 minute cap on it.

Day 126

1. 5 rnds for time:
400m run
20 Burpees
15 Bent Over DB Rows (55#)

3 hr rest

2. 2 mile hike w/ 75# duffel bag of rocks and a 25 lb truck tire

1.  21m30s
2.  A lot of people staring

The first workout went great.  I'm really pleased with my time especially considering the run was done on a flat 80m circular track which slowed it down a lot.  The afternoon ruck was good death race training.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 125

Rest Day

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 124

1. 5 rnds:
Max rope climbs in 3 minutes (~13 ft. rope)

3 hr rest

2.  30 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Pistols
15 Knees to Elbows

1.  8 climbs on all rounds
2. 11 rounds + 4 KTE

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 123

Crossfit Total
1RM Back Squat / Shoulder Press / Deadlift

BS: 375
SP: 185
DL: 445
Total: 1005

Big PR!  I'm a little spent from the past couple of days so this was a great easy day WOD before I hit tomorrow with some more Sealfit volume.  BS was a new crossfit PR and DL was a lifetime PR.  For SP I hit 185 which was my old PR, but then failed at 205.  I wouldn't mind getting my BS to 400, SP to 200 and DL to 500 eventually.  Also, I tried my first Ring Handstand Push Up...it wasn't pretty but I got one.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 122

21 - 15 - 9
Clean #135
Ring Dips


Did this workout at Crossfit NYC.  It wasn't as fast as I would have liked, but it wasn't bad.  Afterwards I tried a couple of clapping pushups.  It's nice to know I can still do a clap - behind the back clap - clap again pushup.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 121

5 rnds of:
5 min AMRAP followed by 1 min rest
4 x Power Clean 135#
8 x 1 arm DB snatch (4 each side) 40#
12 x Double Unders

4 rnds + 4 Cleans, 4 rnds + 8 DB snatch, 4 rnds + 3 Cleans, 4 Rnds + 1 Clean, 4 rnds + 2 Cleans

This workout was a beast but I thought that it went well.  It was a lot of movements that I like and the structure was such that you could continue to push pretty hard without slamming into the wall.  My body is feeling pretty beat up but I was planning on heading over to CrossfitNYC tomorrow, so I think I'll spend a good bit of time stretching and rolling out tonight.  Maybe I should take an icebath in the snow?

Day 120

3 rnds for time:
6 x Muscle Ups
30 x Wallballs (15lbs, 12ft)
12 x Handstand Push Ups
15 x Hang Clean w/ 135#


This was really, really slow.  I was hoping for ~20min but the muscle ups required a good deal of focus and time.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 119

1.  Snow WOD!
For time:
2 rnds of:
20 x Overhead squat with lawn chair
Drag bag of rocks across snow filled lawn
10 Burpees
Run up snowy hill and back
10 Burpees
Drag bag of rocks back across snow filled lawn
20 x Overhead squats with lawn chair


Drag bag of rocks up stairs to snow filled track.  Drag it across the track and back (100m each way, 1 ft of snow)

3 hr rest

2.  15 min AMRAP
250m row
25 Push Ups

1. ~17 min
2. 6 rnds + 250m row

Hooray for a snow WOD!  Joy and John are real troopers for getting up to drag stuff through the snow at 6:30 in 25 degree weather, thanks for coming out guys!  The second WOD was a bit more typical.  Push ups were the limiting factor. 

Day 118

Rest Day

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 117

1.  On the minute every minute perform 5 burpees, then as many 135# thrusters as possible.  Do this until you complete 50 thrusters.

3 hr rest

2.  Some pull up work.

1.  13m48s
2.  Max kipping pullups = 25, weighted pullup = 90 lbs

The first workout was rough.  I had to completely take some rounds off.  It was the first WOD in awhile that I completely underestimated.  The pull ups were fun though, both of those were PRs.

Day 116

1. 15 minutes of Sandbag getups
2. Find 3RM for squat clean
3.  Chipper:
15 x 225 squat clean, 100 x 4 count mountain climbers, 800m sandbag run

3 hr rest

4. Eva
5 rnds for time:
800m run / 30 KB swing 70# / 30 pullups

No timed results.

The first workouts went well.  I loved the sandbag getups.  Used my bag of rocks which weighs somewhere between 75-100lbs.  My 3RM wasn't 225, but I didn't have plates that I could drop, so I didn't want to push it anymore.  Eva was modified because all the treadmills were taken, so after round one I substituted 1000m rows.  Not that it mattered anyway because the gym closed before I could finish...again.

Day 115



Tired to do the WOD with wall climbs.  I got 3 rounds in when they closed the gym...gggrrrr.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 114

20 min AMRAP
6 x Deadlift 225#
10 x 70# KB swing
7 x Burpee Pull Ups
200m run

6 rnds + 6 Burpee Pull Ups

The run was likely a bit under 200m, more like 175, but still I think this wasn't bad.  Josh Everrett completed just a bit over 7 rnds, so I consider this a good day.

Day 113

Rest Day

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 112

1. "Fran"
21-15-9 for time:
95 # Thrusters
Pull ups

3 hr rest

2.  On the minute every minute:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
As many rounds as possible until failure

1. 4m14s
2. ~9 rnds 13 squats

It's always nice to PR on Fran especially by 30 seconds.  All the thrusters were unbroken and so was the first set of pullups.  I didn't get to do my usual 1st of the month testing due to my death race simulator and the fact that I was at home, but I guess this means I'm improving.  It seriously knocked the wind out of me though, as Fran has a tendency to do.  The second workout was just to add some volume as 4:14 doesn't seem like enough for one day no matter how exhaustive it was.  I lost track of how many rounds I completed, but it was at least 9.

Other News:
Check out this great Paleo video:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 111

5 x 3 Front Squat

265, 275, 285, 295, 315(f)

A bit ambitious on the last set.  

Day 110

3 rnds for time:
Run 400m
30 Overhead Squats w/ 75#
21 Pullups


This sucked, and I knew it the whole time.  I took the red eye last night to get to NYC and so I only snagged a couple of bad hours of sleep.  I felt it on this one.

Day 109

Travel Day

Day 108

1.  Max Back Squat
2. "Jake"
20min AMRAP
115# Pushpress x 10
55# KB swing x 10
24" box jump x 10

1.  355#
2. 10 rnds + 10 Pushpress

Not bad.  Should have been better considering all the rest I had but both are crossfit PRs, so I have to be happy with that.

Day 107

Rest Day

Day 106

Recovery Day

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 104, 105

Workout: Death Race Simulator!

Results:  Not Shabby.

So it went something like this.
Start at 7:30pm on Tuesday evening.  Hike to the bottom of Penasquitos canyon and pull the first task at 8:00pm.  It says, "Walk back to the house, fish money off the bottom of the pool then walk to the store and buy 10 pounds of onions.  Then walk back to the canyon and eat one raw."  The goal was to finish every task in under two hours and this one required me to move pretty fast.  The pool was a balmy 57 degrees, but I got the money and the onions in time.  I ate one and almost puked...I really hope they don't recall that task in the actual death race.  Task two, hike to the house and saw a piece of wood into 3 pieces.  Simply task.  Task three, take the long route back to the house, grab some food, walk to the store, buy some food and return to the canyon.  As it turned out, the long route was really, really long and took over an hour instead of the 20 minutes it took for the short route.  I didn't make it back to the canyon in the required 2 hours (missing the mark by 15 minutes) and had to do 25 forward rolls in the mud.  Task four was to crawl the ditch once, then retrieve a dollar off the bottom of the pool.  The ditch was a quarter mile long dry river bed with nylon lines periodically strung up mere inches off the ground which I had to crawl under.  This task was fun, although I wasn't happy to jump back in the pool.  Task five, crawl the ditch five times.  I got pretty dirty during this one.  Task 6, hike to the house, memorize the Greek alphabet found on an index card there, then write it in chalk on the parking lot of the store.  Sick of walking and at this point I, realizing the importance of good hiking boots.  Also, it starts raining pretty hard.  I don't make the time limit on this one and I have to do 25 pushups, situps and burpees.  Task seven, crawl the ditch then do 100 pushups.  As I said before, it was raining pretty hard at this point and so about 3/4 up the ditch, as I'm crawling under a line I hear a gurgling sounds and look up to see ankle deep water rushing towards me.  Considering there are 15 foot dirt walls on both sides and every story about flash floods starts exactly like this, I high tailed it back to the start of the ditch.  Sure enough, within 5 minutes there is a small river coursing through my ditch.  I watch it for a bit to make sure it's not rising very fast then head back in.  I crawl all the way up the ditch and when I get to the top decided it's a good time to cut down the lines.  The river is rising, but I managed to cut all the lines down before it gets much above knee deep.  Then I do my 100 pushups.  Task 8, hike back to the house and cook breakfast for the family.  Task 9, hike back to the canyon and retrieve all the gear.  I finish just a few minutes before 12 noon on Wednesday.  In the end it was a good test run and I learned that footwear is crucial.  It was definitely the limiting factor.