1. Snow WOD!
For time:
2 rnds of:
20 x Overhead squat with lawn chair
Drag bag of rocks across snow filled lawn
10 Burpees
Run up snowy hill and back
10 Burpees
Drag bag of rocks back across snow filled lawn
20 x Overhead squats with lawn chair
Drag bag of rocks up stairs to snow filled track. Drag it across the track and back (100m each way, 1 ft of snow)
3 hr rest
2. 15 min AMRAP
250m row
25 Push Ups
1. ~17 min
2. 6 rnds + 250m row
Hooray for a snow WOD! Joy and John are real troopers for getting up to drag stuff through the snow at 6:30 in 25 degree weather, thanks for coming out guys! The second WOD was a bit more typical. Push ups were the limiting factor.
thanks for the shout-out! it was a fun workout.