With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy" (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)
then as many 275# Deadlifts as possible
2min rest
With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy"
then as many Double Unders as possible
3 hrs rest
2. 6 rnds of 3 min AMRAP with 1 min rest between
3 x 155# Power Clean
6 x Push Ups
9 x Ring Dips (rnds 1,3,5) or Squats (rnds 2,4,6)
1. 24 DL, 27 DU
Rnds 1,3,5:
- 3 + 1 PC
- 2 + 3 PC
- 1 + 3 RD
Rnds 2,4,6:
- 4
- 3 + 6 PU
- 3 + 3 PC
Two great workouts today! I was really pleased with the first one. The second round of Cindy wiped me out and I lost a chunk of time trying to find a place to do DUs afterwards, so I didn't get the 50 I was aiming for, but still I was pleased. WOD 2 was shoulder lacrosse ball will come in handy tonight.
Other News:
I can't stop laughing at this video. I'm sure you're dying to do shirtless muscle-ups outside today since it should be a warm 29 degrees at your box in the city. Enjoy!