I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 112

1. "Fran"
21-15-9 for time:
95 # Thrusters
Pull ups

3 hr rest

2.  On the minute every minute:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
As many rounds as possible until failure

1. 4m14s
2. ~9 rnds 13 squats

It's always nice to PR on Fran especially by 30 seconds.  All the thrusters were unbroken and so was the first set of pullups.  I didn't get to do my usual 1st of the month testing due to my death race simulator and the fact that I was at home, but I guess this means I'm improving.  It seriously knocked the wind out of me though, as Fran has a tendency to do.  The second workout was just to add some volume as 4:14 doesn't seem like enough for one day no matter how exhaustive it was.  I lost track of how many rounds I completed, but it was at least 9.

Other News:
Check out this great Paleo video:

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