I've always wanted to finish an ironman and this year I've finally had the opportunity to train for one. Unfortunately going to an official ironman races is a huge pain in the ass. The timing doesn't work out (I need to do this before restarting clinic rotations in my residency, i.e. July 2016), they would take tons of time in travel (I've got a 14 month old at home) and they are expensive ($1300 registration fee!). So I've decided to set up my own race, the SOLOMAN.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Final Countdown: Day 8


5 min AMRAP
25 x Double Unders
10 x 70lbs Kettlebell Swings

4 rnds + 25DU + 5 KB

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Final Countdown: Day 9

1. "Fran"
95# Thrusters
Pull Ups

3 hr rest

2. For time:
21 x 225# Deadlift
50 Squats
21 x 135# Push Press
15 x 225# Deadlift
50 Squats
15 x 135# Push Press
9 x 225# Deadlifts
50 Squats
9 x 135# Push Press

1. 4:33
2: 11:11

Fran was about 15 seconds off my PR.  As usual the thrusters were unbroken, but the pullups slowed me down.  The second WOD was a nice mix between somewhat heavy load and lightweight repetitions.  Overall, it's feel pretty good.

Other News:
Becca got her first kipping pullup yesterday!  Hooray!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Final Countdown: Day 10

7 rnds for time:
3 x Squat Snatch w/ 135#
4 x Wall Climbs
12 x Burpees


Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Countdown: Day 11

1. "Amanda"
Muscle Ups
135# Squat Snatch

3 hr rest

2. 10 min AMRAP
10 x 135# Squat
12 x Hand Release Push Ups

1. 16min
2. 8rnds + 9 Squats

Muscle ups are still difficult for me, but I can see improvement.  I'm starting to link them together, including a turnout at the bottom.  The AMRAP went well.  I wanted 9 rnds, but the hand release pushups were the limiting factor.

Final Countdown: Day 12

1. "Small"
3 rnds for time:
1000m row
50 x Burpees
50 x 24" Box Jump
800m run

3 hr rest

2.  Easy 4 mile run w/ rock carry

1. 50m33s
2. N/A

"Small" took forever.  Have I previously mentioned that I hate burpees...they take forever.  The run was fun.  Stopped half way through at the beach to find a big rock and carried it about half a mile.

Final Countdown: Day 24-13

Sorry for the absence of postings.  I took the USMLE Step 1 exam and then was on "vacation" for a few days.  Still managed to get some great workouts in including an all night hike with Joe Decker! 

Update Gear List:
1. Goggles
2. Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Pencil
3. Hand Drill w/ 1/2 inch drill bit
4. Hand Saw
5. Tape Measure
6. Axe or Maul
7. 10' section of climbing rope
8. One live fish

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Countdown: 25 days

1OOOm run
3O Hand Stand Push Ups
1OOOm row


As always, HSPU's are a struggle.

Other News:
Updates Death Race Mandatory Gear:
1 - Goggles
2 - Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Lead Pencil
3 - Hand Drill w/ 1/2 inch bit
4 - Hand Saw

Final Countdown: 26 days

Light swim.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Countdown: 27 days

Rest Day

Other News:
Can I vote for this?

Final Countdown: 28 days

1. 25 minute run

3 hr rest

2. 4 rnds for time:
Overhead Walking lunges w/ 15lbs medball, 1OO'
2O Clapping Pushups
15 Box Jumps 2O"

1.  ~3.5 miles
2. 1O:17

Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Countdown: 29 days

1. 3 x 7min running intervals for distance w/ 3 min rest

3 hr rest

2. 15min AMRAP
15 x Chest to Bar Pullups
3Osec Ring L-sits

1.  A little over a mile for the first one, a good distance more for the second and just under a mile for the third.
2.  4 rnds + 2Os L sits

I think I PR'd in my mile time in the second interval, but I can't be sure.

Other News:
Updates Death Race Mandatory Gear List:
1. Goggles
2. Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Lead Pencil
3. Hand Drill w/ 1/2 inch bit

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Countdown: 3O days

Carry a 1OOlbs sandbag 1 mile
Joe Decker's Bootcamp
Carry the sandbag  another mile


3O days until the Death Race!  I found out that the winner of last year's death race, Joe Decker, runs a bootcamp just a mile away from my parent's house...seemed like a shame not to stop by.  Joe is a really nice guy and in top shape.  I can see how he won this thing.

Other News:
The mandatory gear list now includes:
1 - Goggles
2- Dixon Ticonderoga #2 lead pencil

Friday, May 20, 2011

Studying for USMLE Step I Exam...be back soon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 227

1.  3 rnds for time w/ 3O min cap:
24 x Pull Ups
24 x 15# medball throws
24 x 1 pood KB swing
24 x 24" box jump
24 x Burpees
24 x Push Ups
24 x Double Unders
24 calories on C2 rower

3 hr rest

2. "Jackie"
1OOOm row
5O Thrusters w/ 45# bar
3O Pull Ups

1. 2 rnds + PU + MB + KB + 14 BJ
2. 8:11

WOD one was just long, but it was good to do after a rest day.  WOD two was good and bad.  I went out a bit fast on the row, but I felt that I maintained a good pace.  Unfortunately I was at a crowded globo gym so the pull ups were broken up between 5 different bars because people kept jumping in to use the "pec fly arnold ridiculous watch yourself in the mirror even though you only bench 115 cables".  Gggrrrrrr.

Other News:

Day 226

Rest Day

Day 225

Games WOD #6
7 min AMRAP
1OO# Thruster
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Ascending ladder 3/6/9/12...

1OO reps

Died on the set of 15 C2B, but otherwise pretty pleased with this.  Ended the games ranked 1953 in the world and 181 in the Northeast region...can't wait to do better next year!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 224

1.  "King Kong" (ever so slightly modified]
3 rnds for time:
1 x 445 Deadlift
2 x Muscle Ups
3 x 25O Squat Clean
4 x Handstand Pushups

3 hr rest

2. 1O x 2OOm intervals w/ 2:3O rest

1. 6:36
2. Each interval took ~34ish seconds

Gggggrrrrrr!  I meant to do King Kong as prescribed but I miscalculated what was on the bar and short changed myself 1 pounds....oh well...guess I'll have to do it again sometime.  Really fun WOD though.  2OOm intervals, not so fun but probably better for me.

Other News:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 223

1 mile Hill Time Trail


Ran from the bottom of Penasquitos Canyon up the "Side Hill" trail.  I think it was a bit under a mile but it still got my lungs burning.

Other News:
"Reverse Roll to Support"...ugly, but getting there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 222

1.  4 x 5min intervals w/ 3 min rest between

3 hr rest

2.  4 rnds for time:
6 x Wallclimbs
12 x Ring Dips
24 x Double Unders
32 x Squats

1. N/A
2. 18:41

I forgot my watch at home so the intervals turned into "run as fast as you can from on lifeguard tower to another.  I'm guessing it took about 4 minutes.  I rested until recovered.  I really liked the second WOD though.  Wallclimbs kick my ass...but I'm happy with the time.

Other News:
That face has Ring Dips written all over it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 221

1. 7 burpees on the minute every minute, then max reps thrusters with 95lbs until you reach 75 reps

3 hr rest

2. Tabata Something Else
Tabata cycle with each of the following exercises, w/o rest in between

1.  DNF, then scaled to 5 reps and 5 burpees.
2. PU=5, PU=6, S=11, SU=1O

I'd like to see somebody actually finish the first WOD.  I got to about 28 reps after 7 minutes and then it took me the entire minute to finish the seven burpees...still, I hate DNFing.  Second WOD was better but not great.  PullUps were chest to bar.

Day 22O

Carry your body weight in rocks from the beach up the cliff at Del Mar's 8th street beach.

~1O minutes...it was a lot easier than I expected.

Day 219

Games WOD #5

2O min AMRAP
5 x 145# Power Cleans
1O x Toes to Bar
15 x Wallballs (2Olbs, 1Oft.]

9rnds + 5 PC + 1O T2B

Not bad.  The limiting factor by far was the T2B.

Day 218

1.  Rock Wall Work

3 hr rest

2 rnds:
1 minute AMRAP at each station, with 1 min rest between rounds
-12" box jumps
-Supine Ring Rows
-Jump and touch (~1Oft]
-Up and over a play structure

1.  N/A
2. N/A

Today was a fun and light day.  Resting up for tomorrow's game WOD.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 217

1.  "Wittman" (modified]
7 rnds for time:
15 x 95# Power Clean
15 x 1pood Kettlebell Swing
15 x 24" Box Jump

3 hr rest

2. 3 x (2OOm + 4OOm + 6OOm] run
-Rest for exactly how long it took to do the last interval

1. 21:19
2. 2OO~3Os, 4OO~1:15, 6OO~2:OO

I only had a 1 pood KB so I used that.  Still, last time I did this WOD it took 28:3O.  I don't think the lighter KB accounted for all 7 minutes.  The running wasn't bad.  The distance was estimated so the results aren't so reliable but my times stay relatively consistent across all three cycles.

Day 216

2O min Time Trial Run

4,5OO m

Not bad...was shooting for a 5k, but I knew that was a bit of a long shot for me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 215

2 rnds for time:
Run 1OOm
5O Push Ups
Run 1OOm
5O Situps
Run 1OOm
5O Squats

Forgot to stop the clock

Did this at home with the brothers so it wasn't the most serious WOD ever.

Day 214

Rest Day

Day 213

Games WOD #4
6O x Bar Facing Burpees
3O x #12O Overhead Squats
1O x Muscle Ups

6O+3O+4 Muscle Ups

Missed my fifth MU...grrrr.

Day 212

Rest Day

Friday, April 15, 2011


5 rnds
Max Bodyweight (225#) Benchpress
Max Pull Ups

9/23 , 9/19. 8/15, 8/20, 7/21

Half way through John told me to rearrange my grip and keep my knuckles "pointing up", that helped a lot...thanks John.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


1.  Squat

3 hr rest

2. For time:
~400m walking lunges

1.  5x135, 5x185. 5x225, 5x255, 5x285, 5x315, 5x325
2. 10:19

Squats were okay...still bending a bit foreword at the bottom but correcting it pretty quick.  Walking lunge was approximated so it's likely a good amount under 400m...much less aerobic than I thought it would be.

Other News:
Got bored of studying today and tried a one arm against the wall handstand...
Going Up

Going Up


Inevitable End

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 209

For time and weight:
5 rnds
1 x Bench Press
3 x Supine Ring Rows
2 x Bench
5 x Row
3 x Bench
7 x Row

1.  11:15, used 245 for the first round, 225 for the rest.

Not bad, not great.

Other News:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 208

1.  Push Press x2, on the minute every minute for 10 minutes

3 hr rest

2.  For max distance:
3 rnds
1 minute to do 20 Squats
1 minute max row
1 minutes to do 15 Push Ups
1 minute max row
1 minute to do 10 Burpees
1 minute max row

1. 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 225 (f), 225, 225, 225 (half fail)
2. 2,803m

I really need to work on my push press.  I'm clearly not sinking under the bar enough and I'm spending way to much energy getting the last few inches on the lock out.  Second WOD went well, starting to feel better about burpees although that might change after Game WOD #4.

Other News:
Missed the last one...I'm hoping I can make it to the Second Annual NYC Barefoot Run!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 207

1. For time:
10-1, 225# Deadlift
1-10, Pull Ups

3 hr rest

2. "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds
Max reps for 1 minute on each of the following:
Wallballs (15lbs, 12ft)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#)
Box Jump (24")
Push Press (75#)
Row (for calories)
1 minute rest between rounds

1. 8:01
2. 329

Two solid WODs for today.  The first one went faster than I thought, which is always nice.  This is a good sized PR for me on FGB...maybe hit 400 one day?

Walking across Park Ave. with a loaded barbell

Day 206

Games WOD #3
5 min AMRAP
165# Squat Clean and Jerk


Felt good about this.  Would have been nice to get to thirty though.  Nevertheless it moved me up in the rankings a good amount.  I finished week three at #158 in the Northeast region and 1,628 in the world.  Thanks Eric for pushing me through the final reps and for the whole Crossfit Metropolis crew who hauled half the gym to central park.

Day 205

Rest Day

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 204

12min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
12 Pistols
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls w/ a 85lbs bag of rocks


I'm pleased with this.  Felt great to actually use MUs in a metcon and not have them be a huge limiting factor.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 203

1. Bench

3 hr rest

2. For time:
150 Push Ups
-Every time you stop run 40 yards

1. 3x135, 3x185, 3x225, 3x245, 3x265, 3x275
2. 15:18

Haven't benched in a long time, I figured it would be fun...it was.  When I saw the pushup WOD on crossfit football it seemed like a good follow up.

Day 202

1.  "Michael"
3 rnds for time:
800m run
50x Situps
50x GHD back Extensions

3 hr rest

10 x 135# Overhead Squat
20 x Double Unders
8 x OHS
30 x DU
6 x OHS
40 x DU
4 x OHS
50 x DU
2 x OHS
60 x DU

1. 31:09
2. 8:26

Did the situps on an incline...still this WOD was a grind.  I think my morning lifting is getting worse...just can't seem to really wake up.  Anyway, the afternoon WOD wasn't bad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 201

Front Squats

5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x275, 3x295

Today was an active rest day.

Other News:
Does somebody want to lend me 1,000 dollars and a weekend off so I can do this?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 200

1. "Diane"
For time:
225# Deadlifts
Hand Stand Push Ups

3 hr rest

2. For time and load:
5 rnds of
5 x Back Squat
400m run

1. 23:58
2. 16:09 w/ 315#

Handstand Push Ups are still a major goat for me...ugh.  Luckily I had time in the day to do a second WOD.  Sets of 5 with 315 always make me feel good.

Other News:
I don't care how bad your range of motion is, 600 reps on the second games WOD is beastly...still, this is some interesting math.  

Day 199


MMA Wrestling

Win some, lose some

Other News:
Apple Clafouti...not paleo, but oh so close.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 198

Games WOD #2
15min AMRAP
9 x #155 Deadlifts
12 x Games Style Push Ups
15 x 24" Box Jumps

9rnds + 9DL + 12 PU + 1 BJ

Not quite the ten rounds I wanted, but much better than last time.  Hoping that the next Games WOD involves something heavy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 197

30 Muscle Ups for time


I still really suck at this.  Just can't figure out how to maintain a false grip for more than a couple MUs.  Also, am I suppose to bleed every time I do these?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 196

1. Squat Snatch

3hr rest

2.  For time:
Run 1 mile
21 x Clean and Jerk #155
Run 800m
21 x Clean and Jerk #155
Run 1 mile

1.  95x2, 115x2, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 185x2
2. 29:54

Still not incredibly comfortable with the squat snatch, but getting better.  The second WOD I had to substitute rowing for the first mile and did the rest on treadmills.

Day 195

Crossfit Games WOD #2
15min AMRAP
9 #155 Deadlift
12 Games Style Push Ups
15 Box Jumps (24")

7rnds + 8 PUs

I was draggin.  I didn't film it or anything, just wanted to get a feel for the WOD.  I think 10 rnds is possible when I go at it again on Saturday.

Day 194

Rest Day

Day 193

Intense Squash (aka: active rest)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 192

1. MMA wrestling

3 hr rest

2. For time:
15 x Medball Clean (15lbs)
15 x Wallballs (15lbs, 12ft)

1. Got my ass kicked.
2. 4:48

I felt like I overestimated the second WOD which is a crossfit rarity.  I think because the ball was light and I wasn't doing full squat cleans it was easier than I expected.  Did the whole thing unbroken.

Day 191

Games WOD #1
10 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches w/ 75lbs

6rnds +16DU

Did this at Crossfit Metropolis.  Not the huge improvement I was hoping for, but an improvement non the least.  Thanks to Eric for toughing this one out with me.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 190

1.  For time:
225# Deadlift
135# Overhead Squat

3 hr rest

2. 2 mile run
On the minute every minute for 10 minutes:
1 x Tree Flip
6 x Push Ups
9 x Box Jump on Tree
2 mile run

1. 7:57
2. Satisfied

The first WOD was great.  Yeah it could have been faster but I was spent afterwards.  It was like a heavy version of Fran.  The second WOD was more of a light fun run.  Found some cut down trees and made a little circuit out of them.  I love flipping over trees.

Other News:
Good News, I'm not bad for patients!

Day 189


Push Press

3x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x155, 3x175, 3x195

Today was more of an active rest day.

Day 188


For total distance rowed:
6 rounds of:
1 min to do 15 x 70 KB swings
1 min max row


I'm glad it was 6 rnds instead of 7...those KB swings were getting close towards the end.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 187


1.  Squat Cleans

3 hr rest

2.  10 to 1 ladder of #135 Front Squat with a 13ft. rope climb between each rung, for time.

1.  3x135, 3x155, 3x175, 3x225, 3x255, 1x275
2. 7:04

Had to stop doing Cleans because we don't have bumper plates and at 275 I can't gently put the bar back on the ground.  I tried, nearly ripped my arms off and might have cracked the floor.  The second WOD was quality.  Would have been nice to go under 7...next time.

Other News:
Nate, his brother Bo, and I were told we had to get an article written in our local paper as this was the first task of the race.  The penalty for not completing the task was shaving every hair on your body come race day, needless to say, here's our article.

Del Mar men competing in this year’s Death Race

By Marlena Chavira-Medford 
Staff Writer
Hauling logs 26 miles up a snowy mountain, eating a pound of raw onions, and chopping wood until your hands bleed isn’t something most people would voluntarily subject themselves to. Then again, those who sign up for the race that entails such extreme tasks are not like most people. Like the name suggests, the Death Race is only for those who don’t fear, and in fact welcome, radical challenge.
Even the race’s website, YouMayDie.com, is enough to make some weak in the knees. Part of what gives the race its reputation is its unpredictability. There are no start and end times because race organizers make that call when the spirit moves them, which can be anywhere from several hours to more than a day, and they keep everyone on their toes by constantly throwing curve balls, each in the form of some outlandish, agonizing mission. Those who finish the race — survivors, as they’re called — are few and far between. Last year only 19 out 135 people finished the annual race in Vermont. This year’s race will be June 24 and hopefuls include three men who hail from Del Mar: Daniel Schaerer, Bo Brown and Nate Brown.
“Crazy physical activity has pretty much always been part of my life,” said Brown, who spent nearly six years in the U.S. Navy, and in 2003 was part of the Naval Special Warfare Unit in Iraq. These days the veteran and former Del Mar lifeguard is in medical school at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. The change of pace has left him itching for some serious physical excursion. “Right now it’s a lot of sitting around studying books. When I learned about the Death Race, it immediately appealed to me.”
The Death Race also appealed to Schaerer, who is also a Del Mar native attending medical school at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Schaerer was a discus thrower at Stanford University, and then competed internationally as part of the Swiss national track and field team.
“He’s defiantly got that drive and competitive edge which I think will help a lot for this race,” Brown said, and that likely explains why his younger brother also signed up for Death Race. The junior at UC Berkeley has been a competitive Alpine skier since high school, when he moved to Idaho and joined the Sun Valley Ski Team.
Brown and Schaerer have also decided to use the Death Race as an opportunity to raise money for charity. Brown is raising money for the Challenged Athlete’s Foundation, and donations can be made via challengedathletes.org. Schaerer is raising money for Health Volunteers Overseas and donations can be made through his blog’s website, http://danielschaerer.blogspot.com/.
Brown said he thinks he and his race buddies will do well, considering they all share a characteristic critical for making it to the end: “You have to have something in you that makes you not want to quit anything, ever,” he said, adding that neither he nor his two fellow Del Mar race participants had to be coaxed into signing up for the Death Race. “If you have to convince someone to do this race, they shouldn’t be doing it. You have to really want it. This race is all about pushing yourself to new limits and seeing just how much you can take, and what you’re really capable of.”
Brown and Schaerer got a taste of exactly how much they can take and what they’re capable of a few month’s ago during the winter Death Race, which Brown describes “like a watered down version” of the main summertime race. Both men were among the 10 out of about 20 who finished the race.
“That experience has given me a good sense for the overall tone of the race,” he said. “I don’t know that you’re ever completely ready for something like this, but I think I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

Day 186

1.  With a partner for max number of power cleans

-Partner 1 row 500m
-Partner 2 3 rounds of Cindy (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats) then max Power Cleans with #135.

20 min AMRAP

3 hr rest

2. Squash

1. 4 Power Cleans
2. Fun

Fail!  Turns out with the exception of the first round, neither John nor I could complete 3 rounds of Cindy in the time it took to row 500m (~1:50ish) so it was an interesting WOD.  I'm not sure how the Sealfit guys did this, but I think it was suppose to be 750m of rowing.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 185

1. Games WOD #1
10min AMRAP
30 x Double Unders
15 x 75# Snatch


2. MMA wrestling

1. 5 rnds + 30 DUs + 11 Snatch
2. Fun

Other News:
My first Crossfit Open WOD is posted below.  Thanks to John for helping me with the video (and for his great comment at the end of the workout).  As of this posting I am ranked 241 out of 813 in my region and 2,462 in the world (out of 20,000 or so).  You can follow the games by signing up as a spectator at http://games.crossfit.com/
Crossfit Open WOD 1

Day 184

Rest Day

Day 183

1. "Jackie"
1000m row
50 x 45# bar Thrusters
30 x Pull Ups



Day 182

1.  Overhead Squat 5x1
Front Squat 5x1
Back Squat 5x1

3 hr Rest

2. Squash

1. OHS: 215
FS: 315
BS: 365
2. Fun

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 181

1.  2 rnds for time:
10 x L-Pull Ups
20 x #95 Overhead Squats
400m run

3 hr rest

2.  5 rnds for time:
3 x #155 Power Snatch
5 x Handstand Push Ups
7 x 24" Box Jumps

1. 8m13s
2. 9m23s

Neither workout was great, but neither was terrible either.  Did the first WOD completely unbroken.  The HSPU on the second WOD slowed me down a lot.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 180

3x5 Deadlifts

Results:  225, 315, 365, 405, 415x2

Easy day...as Tuesday's tend to be.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 179

1.  For time:
40 x #135 Squat Cleans
40 Burpee Box Jumps 24"

3 hr rest

2.  Easy 6,000m row / 10min Handstand work

1. 11m55s
2. N/A

Eh...would have like the first WOD to be faster, it's my fault for not getting a better warm up.

Other News:

Day 178

1.  7 rnds for time:
10 Wallballs (15lbs, 12 ft.)
10 Pull Ups

3 hr rest

2.  Sledgehammer Strike (8lbs) Tabata
1 min rest
Burpee Tabata
1 min rest
Sledgehammer Strike Tabata

1.  6m39s
2. 12ish/6ish/13ish

The first WOD wasn't bad, but it wasn't as fast as I would have hoped for.  The second WOD was fun (aren't all sledgehammer WODS fun?) but not terribly taxing.  Sledgehammer strikes are limited by time more than anything else.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 177

5 rnds for time:
400m run
30 x Box Jumps (24")
30 x Wallballs (20lbs, 10ft)


Did this at Crossfit Metropolis, I think it went well.  The stairs at that place are a pain in the ass though.

Other News:
Because back levers just might be in the Death Race:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 176

1.  4 rnds for time:
7 x Muscle Ups
15 x #225 Deadlift
30 x Lunges

3 hr rest

2.  Easy Run

1.  DNF!
2. Made up for it.

Notes:  The first WOD capped off a ridiculously bad week of training.  I figured that the week after a Death Race would be a little slow, but this bad.  On the third round I simply could not do any more muscle ups.  I must have failed at least ten.  Eventually, somebody else wanted the bar and I figured that since I had taken 3 times as long as the main site times and I wasn't much past half way done, it just wasn't worth it.  The run was the start of the next week of training, which will be much, much better.  Ran about 2.5 miles at an easy pace and came across some cut down trees.  Of course I had to flip them. Not sure how much they weighed but I have a 450lbs plus DL PR and these things gave me a run for my money.  Then I found a track and ran a 400m in 1:06, which isn't bad for me.  Ran back to the trees and flipped some more.  Than ran the 2.5 miles back.  Felt great.

Day 175

Death by Pull Ups
With a continuously running clock, do one pull up the first minute, two the second, three the third and so on until you reach failure.

14 rnds + 9 Pull Ups

Felt like crap, but was a PR by over a round...man I wish I had a pull up bar over 7 ft tall.

Day 174

12 min AMRAP
3 x Bench #185
5 x Squat #225

8 rnds + 1 bench

Ugh, clearly still not recovered.  This was pitiful.

Day 173

Rest Day...I know, more than I usually take.

Day 172

Rest Day

Day 171

Woke up in Joe's barn.  Drove home.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 169, 17O


Winter Death Race!

Race Report:

The official start time was at 6pm on Friday night but apparently Joe and Andy were "running a little bit late" so one of the guys who works at the farm told us to dig out all the firewood from under a heap of snow.  All 19 of us who started the race set ourselves to the task and it was soon finished.  Then we waited.  It was not at all how I expected my first taste of a Death Race to be.  After what seemed like an hour Joe and Andy arrived.  Joe walked over to where the wood had been and told us to dig out the pallets which the wood had been resting on.  These pallets were buried in hard packed snow and digging them out was no small matter but gradually we managed to pull a dozen or so out.  After an hour or so Joe came over and told us to stop and that our next task was awaiting us at the barn.  When we got there Andy handed out a small piece of rope to everybody, perhaps a foot long.  We were told that we had to hold the rope over our heads with both hands on the rope for 5 minutes.  If you dropped your hands then you would face a penalty later in the race.  At the 4 minute mark everybody still had their hands in the air (Joe and Andy included] so it was decided to extend the task to 1O minutes, then 15, then 2O, then 3O, 45 and finally when it was clear nobody was going to quit we ended at the hour mark.  The next task was a much larger beast to tackle.  We would complete a marathon, but not just any marathon.  From the farm to the top of a nearby mountain is a 6 mile loop who's trail is covered in deep snow.  We would have to complete 4 laps with all our gear (mostly an axe, clothes, food and water] and a log.  Each time we completed a lap we would add another log to our load.  The first lap was done without snowshoes because Andy had convinced us that the trail was well packed and that we wouldn't need them...of course that was a lie.  For the second lap we were required to use snowshoes because we had been damaging the course that would be used Saturday morning for other races, with all our post holing.  For lap two I was told to meet Joe at the top of the mountain and "no matter what, return to the farm".  I expected to find Joe at the house on the top of the hill with some diabolical task laid out, but there was nothing there, so I just hiked on.  Lap three and four were just more of the same.  Finally, after finishing our marathon Andy told us that our next task was to build a tower three feet tall out of rocks we retrieved from the stream which was ~3/4 of a mile from the farm.  My racing partner Nate and I made two trips collecting rocks and although he succeeded in constructing a tower, I couldn't manage it with the oddly shaped rocks I had collected.  On my third trip I decided I really did not want to have to make another rock run, so I waded out into the middle of the stream and collected 5 of the biggest flattest rocks I could find.  It made for a hefty pack, but it worked.  Upon completing the tower I was told to construct two birdhouses from a kit.  Simple work that didn't take long though they weren't the prettiest birdhouses.  Then it was on to fetching 3O logs from a nearby shed, quartering them and stacking them.  I like chopping wood, so this really wasn't a problem.  After the wood chopping we were handed shovels and told to dig a corridor between the green houses.  The greenhouses are perhaps 5O yards long and the snow between them 5 ft. deep so getting all the way across them was going to be quite the task, however, many of the other Death Racers had already finished and I had heard that most of them were digging in the snow for less than an hour, so when I was still digging after two hours and nobody was even watching I started to get a bit frustrated.  At this point there was only 4 racers left, everybody else had either finished or had dropped out of the race.  Every hour or so somebody would come look at how much snow we had cleared.  They would hem and haw and compare how far each of us had gotten, then they would tell us to keep digging.  After about 4 hours of digging one of our four decided he'd had enough and quite.  This was quickly followed by another of the four so that the only two that were left were my race partner Nate and myself.  We kept digging for about half an hour until finally I went to the other side of the barn to grab some food and fluids.  Joe just happen to pull up right then and he asked my how the digging was going.  I told him that it was coming along, but that there was just two of us now.  He seemed pleased by that and followed me over to the snow trench I had been digging.  After taking a quick look he told us we were done and to head up to the pond.  As our final task we had to sit in the 33 degree water up to our waist for five minutes and then recite the tongue twister that had been on the wall of the barn the entire race that read:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Finishing times are irrelevant (seriously though, just shy of 28 hours]

Looking forward to June!  Oh, and Jack Cary owes me a donation to charity.

Day 168

Rest Day

Day 167

3 rnds for time:
Run 4oom
15 x 75lbs Squat Snatch
9 Handstand Push Ups


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 166

1. 3O reps of bench @ 135#
2. Squash
3. 3 rnds for time:
9 x Muscle Ups
15 x Burpee Pull Ups
21 x Pull Ups

3hr rest

4. With a ten minute clock:
Run a mile
Bench bodyweight(225] x 21

1. Done
2. Fun
3. 34m12s
4. 9m3Os

Day 165

1. Racquetball

3 hr rest

2. Run 28 flights of stairs for time, up and down, w/ a pack w/ 75# of rocks and two 4Olbs buckets of water.

1. Fun
2. 13m14s

Day 164

1.  For time 21-15-9:
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls w/ 95#
Overhead Squats w/ 95#

3hr rest

2.  1O rnds for time:
6 x complex w/ 1O5# (squat clean/thruster/backsquat/back thruster]
6 x burpee
2OOm row

1.  5m52s
2.  34m14s

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 163

5 rnds for time:
8 Strict Deadhang Pull Ups
12 Pistols
16 Hang Squat Snatch w/ 75#


Burpee Challenge Day 2


Great WOD!  The movements were some of my favorites, the time domain (sub 15 min] was optimal, and I  completed it at Crossfit Metropolis which always pushes me.  Feels good to get in some intensity.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 162

1. For time:
Row 1k
5O DB Squat Snatch w/ 4O#
Row 75Om
35 DB Squat Snatch w/ 4O#
Row 5OOm
2O DB Squat Snatch w/ 4O#

3 hr rest

2.  Run 2 mile w/ tire
Run stairs (28 flights] with two 4Olbs buckets of water


Burpee Challenge Day 1

1.  21m17s
2. ~2Oish minutes

First WOD was sluggish.  Running with tires/buckets felt good though.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 161


Deadlift a bit


135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 365x3, 385x1, 405x3, 365x3

Today was more of an active rest day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 16O

1.  2 rnds for time:
55# KB swing
Double Unders

3 hr rest

2. Interval Run for distance:
5 min on - 2:3O off - 6 min on - 3 min off - 7 min on

1.  23m56s
2. ~2.5 mi

Notes:  I liked the first WOD.  Limiting factor was the burpees and my anterior delts...I'm going to have to spend some time with the lacrosse ball tonight.  The run was alright, but not great.  I need to get back into running and now that the ground isn't completely covered in ice I figured it's a good time.  Also, I did Cindy sometime over the last couple of days, but don't remember when exactly.  Got 17 rnds.

Other News:
Should Children Run Marathons?
It makes me sad to see an article like this in the New York Times asking the question of whether or not kids should run.  In a country where the number one cause of death is heart disease and the majority of teenagers have the beginnings of atherosclerosis how can you be concerned with the handfull of kids who fall down and scrape there knee?  Scuffed up elbows don't hurt nearly as much as heart attacks.  Click on the picture below to read the full article:
Should kids children marathons?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 159

1. Squats x 3, for technique

2.  Death by Power Clean w/ 135

1.  135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215, 225, 255

2. 10 rnds + 3

Feeling a bit sluggish this morning... not a great WOD.  Wish I could fit in a second WOD later today but there's just no time.  Hoping to get in some Crossfit endurance tomorrow.

Day 158

5 rnds for time:
50 ft. walking lunge with 45lbs bar overhead
21 burpees


Yeah Burpees!

Day 157

Rest Day

Day 156

4 rnds of "Kelly" for time:
Run 400m
30 Wallballs (15lbs, 10 ft)
30 Box Jumps (24")


Thought it was 4 rnds instead of 5...oops.

Day 155

"The Deck"
For time w/ a 20lbs backpack:
-go through an entire deck of cards (ace=1, Jack=11...)
-Spades = Burpees
-Clubs = Squats
-Hearts = 4 count mountain climbers
-Diamonds = Pullups
-Jokers = Run a lap with the 75lbs bag of rocks


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 154

1. 4 rnds for time:
12 x Push Press 115#
40 x Squat

3 hr rest

2.  2 x mile repeats @ 7% grade and 2 minute rest

1. 6m40s
2.  7mph pace

I definitely noticed that I'd taken some time off on that first workout...it should have been faster.  The run was alright, hard to pace on a treadmill but it got my lungs going.

Other News:
Got this email yesterday from Andy.  Anyone else interested?

Winter Death Race

Registration opens today at Noon.  

March 4th - 6:00 p.m. 

Gear - Axe or maul, lights, food.  

Race starts Friday night at 6 p.m.  You will be done sometime Saturday.  

All Death Race athletes receive a free entry to the winter death race or the snowshoe race which is March 5th.  You must register online if you are going to do the winter death race.  Page one is your personal info and page two is payment options.  Click on mail payment and don't mail anything.  Please feel free to invite other people.  Entry fee is $60 and they can pay online. 

Day 153

Rest Day

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 152

5 rnds:
5 x DB Deadlift
5 x DB Hangclean
5 x DB Push Press
5 x DB Squat


I consider today an active recovery day.

Other News:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 151


Sealfit Spartan Race WOD

15O Double Unders
1 mile Run
1OO Pull Ups
.5 mile Run
15O Double Unders
.25 mile Run
1OO Game Style Push Ups
.5 mile Run
1OO Double Unders
1 mile Run


Since I'm training for the Death Race [also known as the Spartan Death Race] I had to do this WOD.  My goal was under an hour and I had to really push it towards the end to make it.  I didn't puke, but I think this might be the closest I've ever come...great WOD.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 15O

1.  "Eva"
5 rnds for time:
8OOm run
3O x 2pood Kettlebell swing
3O x Pull Ups

3 hr rest

2.  Run stairs with 5 gallon bucket of water

1. 42m4Os
2.  Good

Eva went well.  I did it at Crossfit Metropolis which pushed me (plus having real kettlebells and a pullups bar I can kip on is nice].  I did Eva a year ago and had to use an assisted pullup machine and it still took 52 minutes.  The stairs were good.  A 5 gallon bucket of water is only 4O lbs, but it's awkward as hell.  Next time it will be with two buckets.

Other News:
I would have to agree with Clyde on this one:  Legumes are not antinutrients

Day 149

1.  "Wittman"
7 rnds for time:
15 x 55lbs KB swing
15 x 95lbs Power Clean
15 x 24" box jump

3 hr rest

2. For reps:
1min x Burpee Pullups
1min x Wallballs
1min x Box Jumps 24"
1min x 55lbs KB swings

1.  28m14s
2. 226

The first wod was really rough.  Not sure why, but the power cleans took forever.  WOD two was a bit better.  On another note, I dunked a basketball today...cool.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 147

1. 20min AMRAP
5 x Dumbbell Handstand Push Ups
10 x Toes through Rings
15 x Medball Clean (15lbs)

3 hr rest

2. 20min AMRAP
4 x Handstand Push Ups
10 x Deadlift (135#)
10 x Knees to Elbows

1. 4 rnds + 2 DB HSPU
2. ~11 rnds

Not my greatest day of training.  The morning WOD beat me up almost entirely because of the DB HSPU...those are really hard.  I need to make myself a set of paralettes to work with.  On the plus side, I really like toes through rings.  The second WOD was done with a group and we all shared equipment so there was a lot of down time.  It was a nice relaxing WOD (if there is such a thing), but it didn't push me very hard.  I feel an epic WOD coming up tomorrow.

Other News:
 "Dumbbells" as a word originated in Tudor England – athletes used church bell clappers, which ranged in weight from a few ounces to many pounds, to develop the upper body and arms. The athletes would remove the clappers from the bells; hence, the name "dumb," as in "silent," and "bell" – dumbbell. When strongmen started to make their own equipment, they kept the name, even though the shape changed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 146

1. 5x3 Thrusters
2.  5 x Max p-bar L sits

1. 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 2O5x3, 225x3, 245x1, 265x1, 275x1
2.  ~9-12s per round

I've decided I like heavy thrusters.

Other News:
Beer Mile Photos!


At least the beer was cold.

It seems that since I became a Crossfitter I'm overhead squating things in all my pictures.

I think John's PR in the beer mile is faster than a regular mile.

Day 145

15O Wallballs for time (15lbs, 12ft.]


Its a PR by over a minute but still slow.  I considered today as an active rest day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 144

1. 1O-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Man-makers w/35#
1OO row

3 hr rest

2.  Beer Mile!
Drink a beer, "run" a 4OOm carrying 5 gallon buckets of snow

1.  4Om16s
2.  26m25s

The first WOD was great, I haven't done a longer metcon like that in awhile.  WOD two was miserable and awesome at the same time.  I'm a huge lightweight so by the third lap I had a hard time walking straight.  It didn't help that the track was covered in ankle to calf deep icy snow.  Good times!  Can't wait to try this again without the buckets or snow.

Other News:
Man Makers

Day 143

1. 1OO x Burpee Ring Pull Ups


2.  "Fight Gone Bad"
For Rounds:
3 x
1min x Wallball (16lbs, 1Oft]
1min x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#]
1min x Box Jumps 24"
1min x Push Press (75#]
1min x Row (for calories]
1min rest

3.  Random swimming workout

1.  22m9s
2.  3O6
3.  Fun

The first workout was fun because it was 32 degrees outside and raining.  WOD two felt good, but the score was a bit lower than I'm used to.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 142

1.  5 x 3 Snatch Balance

2. 16min AMRAP:
7 x Clapping Push Ups
14 x Box Jump (24")
21 x Kettlebell Swing (55#)

3 hr rest

3.  Racquetball

1 hr rest

4.  Sledgehammer swings/tire ruck/play around in the snow for an hour

1. 95-105-115-125-135
2. 6 rnds, 14 BJ, 11 KB swings
3. Several losses...gggrrrr.
4. Lots of fun and a bit of frostnip

The snatch balances weren't at maximal load because I really didn't want to drop the bar in my gym.  Maybe I'll do a few more tomorrow at Crossfit Metropolis.  The AMRAP went well.  I felt as though it was simply a KB fest and my erectors were reminding me about yesterday's deadlifts the whole time.  Picked up a new toy recently, an 8 lbs sledgehammer.  Had to go play with it in the snow today.

Other News:
This kid is my paleo hero:

Day 141

For time:
21 Deadlifts (#225)
400m run
18 Deadlifts
400m run
15 Deadlifts
400m run
12 Deadlifts
400m run


Not a bad WOD.  Had to do the run on an indoor 80m track which was weird.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 140

"300" workout
For time:
25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlifts 135#
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps 24"
50 Floor Wipers 135#
50 DB Clean and Jerk 35#
15 Pull Ups


This is a much talked about workout because the actors in the movie "300" did it.  It's hyped up as some terrible challenge but it's really not all that bad.  Floor wipers are the most challenging part.

Other News:
I wrote to Joe Decker, last years Death Race winner, asking for advice and I got the following response:

Foot wear can certainly be an issue especially when your feet get wet. I brought 2 pairs of Salomon XT Wings, worked great! This year I'm bringing 3 pairs. Change your shoes! Bring a good pack too. I'm bringing a special forces 2500cu.in. pack. Train overnight, carrying heavy shit, get dehydrated and hungry and you're on your way! Just think of the dumbest most miserable stuff you can and do it at midnight. That's what I'm doing. Hope this helps! Look forward to meeting you!

What a nice guy!

Day 139

Rest Day

Got a new Death Race email a few days ago:

With the Spartan Death Race only 5 months away, we wanted to provide a second
hint for the race and more info on the Death Race Camps.
There are three camps planned -
March 19th 
April 16th
May 7th 
Camps will replicate race conditions are provide a competitive advantage to all
that participate. More info will be sent out in the weeks leading up to the
camps. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 138

1. For time:
50 x 20" box jump
5 x rope climb (12')
50 x 55# KB swings
50 x Sit Ups
50 x 40lbs DB Power Cleans
800m run
50 x GHD Extensions

3hr rest

2.  For time:
Run 28 flights of stairs and back.
For time:
Run 28 flights of stairs and back w a 75 lbs duffel bag of rocks

3 hr rest

3.  7x1 Shoulder Press
Double Unders

1. 17m19s
2. w/o bag 4m14s, w/ bag 6m58s
3. Shoulder Press - 195, "Annie" - 7:31

Notes:  Long day of good WODs.  The first one was a bit of a grinder but solid.  WOD #2 was great!  I crushed my times from a few days ago.  Part of it was an improvement of technique, especially with the bag, but I think the rest was due to good competition.  I ran the stairs with Nate, my Death Race partner in arms.  WOD #3 was at Crossfit Metropolis.  The shoulder press was a great PR and the 205 attempts were painfully close...next time.  "Annie" was not a PR, but previous times I've done this WOD were with anchored situps that make a huge difference.

Other News:
Bigger Breakfast, Bigger Daily Calorie Count

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 137

With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy" (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)
then as many 275# Deadlifts as possible
2min rest
With a 7 min clock
6 rnds of "Cindy"
then as many Double Unders as possible

3 hrs rest

2. 6 rnds of 3 min AMRAP with 1 min rest between
3 x 155# Power Clean
6 x Push Ups
9 x Ring Dips (rnds 1,3,5) or Squats (rnds 2,4,6)

1.  24 DL, 27 DU
Rnds 1,3,5:
- 3 + 1 PC
- 2 + 3 PC
- 1 + 3 RD

Rnds 2,4,6:
- 4
- 3 + 6 PU
- 3 + 3 PC

Two great workouts today!  I was really pleased with the first one.  The second round of Cindy wiped me out and I lost a chunk of time trying to find a place to do DUs afterwards, so I didn't get the 50 I was aiming for, but still I was pleased.  WOD 2 was shoulder heavy...my lacrosse ball will come in handy tonight.

Other News:

Day 136

1. For time:
Run the stairs in my building to the top and back (28 flrs)

2. For time:
Run the stairs in my building to the top and back with a 75lbs duffel bag full of rocks (28 flrs still)

1. 5m4s
2. 9m17s

I think I could get under 5 w/o the bag and under 9 with.  I plan on doing this one again on Monday.

Day 135

Active Recovery Day
-Stationary Bike work w/ full stretch routine and foam rolling

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 134

1.  6 min AMRAP
6 x Toes to Bar
6 x Burpee

3 hr rest

2.  "Mary"
20 min AMRAP
5 x Handstand Push Ups
10 x Pistols
15 x Pull Ups

1.  6 rnds + 6 Toes to Bar + 4 Burpees
2. 9 rnds + 5 HSPU + 10 P + 3 PU

I liked both of these work outs.  The first one went a bit slow due to the fact that I had to do the T2B hanging from the support structure of the basketball hoop.  The second WOD was perhaps one of my favorites.  I'm a bit beat down from the multiple WODs over the last couple of days so my intensity isn't as high as it could be so I think tomorrow will be a single WOD day.

Other News:
Even though it's not directly mentioned in the article, I blame this on the rise of Crossfit.
Full Service Gyms Feel a Bit Flabby

Day 133

1.  Death by Power Clean w/ 185#


2.  2k row

3hr rest

3.  For time:
Overhead Squat 115#
Chest to Bar Pullups

1. 7rnds + 4 Cleans
2. 7m5s

Not a bad day.  Death by Power Clean was a tad heavy (thanks to John for picking the weight), but still smoked me.  The row wasn't bad, but I think next time I should be able to get under 7 no problem.  The last WOD went well.  I was a bit intimidated by the C2B pullups as last time I did them it destroyed me, but I think I can officially check those off my goat list.

Other News:
I figured some off my fans (no one in particular) would enjoy this article:

Mystery Article

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 132

3 rnds for time:
12 x Muscle Ups
75 x Squats


It became very clear, very quickly that this WOD was really just a MU skill day for me.  I'm okay with that, I could use an easy day.  Looking forward to a good multiWOD day tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 131

3 rnds
800m run
2 min rest


In under 4 minutes:
500m row
20 Deadhang pullups

1.  3:30ish for all of them
2. Finished

The run was done on a treadmill at 1% incline.  Not my fastest run...I should get back to doing some crossfit endurance workouts.  I finished the second part though, which was one of the old crossfit challenges.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 130

1.  3 rnds for time:
10 x Deadlift 275#
50 x Double Unders

3 hr rest

2. For time:
100 Double Unders
100 Push Ups
100 V-ups
100 Box Jumps 24"
100 Dumbell Swings (55#)
1000m Row

1. 4m59s
2. 38m14s

I felt pretty good about the first WOD.  Definitely pushed the intensity level.  Missed a couple more DUs than I would have liked, but that's just the way it is.  The second workout was just a grinder.

Day 129

5 rnds for time:
8 Handstand Push Ups
12 Thrusters 115#
6 L Pull Ups


I did this workout at Crossfit Metropolis which is a great little box hidden on the upper east side.  Trying to make a good impression on my first visit there I flew through the first 2 rounds only to crash and burn on the handstand pushups starting in round 3.  I'm still proud of the result, but the top of my head is a bit sore from all the failed handstand pushups.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 128

21 L Pullups
20 Pistols
18 L Pullups
16 Pistols
15 L Pullups
12 Pistols
12 L Pullups
8 Pistols


Pistols were a breeze, L Pullups could use some work.

Day 127

5 rnds for time:
20 GHD situps
5 Pushpress 185#

3 rnds in 10 minutes

Today was suppose to be a rest day but my roommate Joe wanted to go to the gym so I pulled up an older crossfit workout I had missed and put a 10 minute cap on it.

Day 126

1. 5 rnds for time:
400m run
20 Burpees
15 Bent Over DB Rows (55#)

3 hr rest

2. 2 mile hike w/ 75# duffel bag of rocks and a 25 lb truck tire

1.  21m30s
2.  A lot of people staring

The first workout went great.  I'm really pleased with my time especially considering the run was done on a flat 80m circular track which slowed it down a lot.  The afternoon ruck was good death race training.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 125

Rest Day

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 124

1. 5 rnds:
Max rope climbs in 3 minutes (~13 ft. rope)

3 hr rest

2.  30 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Pistols
15 Knees to Elbows

1.  8 climbs on all rounds
2. 11 rounds + 4 KTE

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 123

Crossfit Total
1RM Back Squat / Shoulder Press / Deadlift

BS: 375
SP: 185
DL: 445
Total: 1005

Big PR!  I'm a little spent from the past couple of days so this was a great easy day WOD before I hit tomorrow with some more Sealfit volume.  BS was a new crossfit PR and DL was a lifetime PR.  For SP I hit 185 which was my old PR, but then failed at 205.  I wouldn't mind getting my BS to 400, SP to 200 and DL to 500 eventually.  Also, I tried my first Ring Handstand Push Up...it wasn't pretty but I got one.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 122

21 - 15 - 9
Clean #135
Ring Dips


Did this workout at Crossfit NYC.  It wasn't as fast as I would have liked, but it wasn't bad.  Afterwards I tried a couple of clapping pushups.  It's nice to know I can still do a clap - behind the back clap - clap again pushup.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 121

5 rnds of:
5 min AMRAP followed by 1 min rest
4 x Power Clean 135#
8 x 1 arm DB snatch (4 each side) 40#
12 x Double Unders

4 rnds + 4 Cleans, 4 rnds + 8 DB snatch, 4 rnds + 3 Cleans, 4 Rnds + 1 Clean, 4 rnds + 2 Cleans

This workout was a beast but I thought that it went well.  It was a lot of movements that I like and the structure was such that you could continue to push pretty hard without slamming into the wall.  My body is feeling pretty beat up but I was planning on heading over to CrossfitNYC tomorrow, so I think I'll spend a good bit of time stretching and rolling out tonight.  Maybe I should take an icebath in the snow?

Day 120

3 rnds for time:
6 x Muscle Ups
30 x Wallballs (15lbs, 12ft)
12 x Handstand Push Ups
15 x Hang Clean w/ 135#


This was really, really slow.  I was hoping for ~20min but the muscle ups required a good deal of focus and time.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 119

1.  Snow WOD!
For time:
2 rnds of:
20 x Overhead squat with lawn chair
Drag bag of rocks across snow filled lawn
10 Burpees
Run up snowy hill and back
10 Burpees
Drag bag of rocks back across snow filled lawn
20 x Overhead squats with lawn chair


Drag bag of rocks up stairs to snow filled track.  Drag it across the track and back (100m each way, 1 ft of snow)

3 hr rest

2.  15 min AMRAP
250m row
25 Push Ups

1. ~17 min
2. 6 rnds + 250m row

Hooray for a snow WOD!  Joy and John are real troopers for getting up to drag stuff through the snow at 6:30 in 25 degree weather, thanks for coming out guys!  The second WOD was a bit more typical.  Push ups were the limiting factor.